Possible worms in Roo


In the Brooder
May 13, 2016
I know there has been so many threads/articles about de-worming chickens, but I haven't found a concrete answer yet. I have a OEG Roo that is approx 5 1/2 months old and within the last couple of days, I noticed that his comb is getting paler by the day and he's off by himself a lot. He seems to eat/drink just fine, no weight loss that I can tell. No signs of any mites, or worms in his poo. I use DE once every other week in their "dust bathhouse" and completely replace the pine shavings in the coop once a week and dust the area with DE also. A couple of my hens seem to have running beaks so I just started adding ACV to their water, which hopefully will also help him, just in case it's not worms.
Here's the questions -
1. I would like to de-worm my roo, but I'm not sure which de-wormer to buy. I only see stuff for cattle.
2. Since I'm only using it on him, the eggs should be fine, right?
ACV and DE will not deworm your chickens. DE is an irritant to eyes and breathing, so I would not recommend using it in the dust bath or elsewhere. There are no approved dewormers for egg layers, but many people use Valbazen or fenbendazole (SafeGuard goat wormer or horse paste, Panacur horse paste) since they are safe. Both get roundworms, cecal worms, and more serious worms, such as gapeworms and capillary worms with more frequent use. Valbazen dosage is 1/2 ml for most average sized chickens given once orally, and repeated in 10 days. SafeGuard dosage is 1/4 ml per pound, given once and in 10 days. For very dangerous capillary worms, give it for 5 days in a row. Either wormer has a 14 day egg withdrawal.

Here is a good article about DE:

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