Possible snake in my yard.


7 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Montevallo, AL
Does anyone know what kind of snakes in Alabama leave a bite with two large lacerations on top and two smaller ones on bottom? I think one of my dogs got bit by one. He's already licked the whole area bald, so it's been a day atleast. I'm washing both dogs and checking for further wounds and taking care of them, but that snake may very well still be in my backyard!
Disregard, I think my dogs did it to eachother. The bites didn't look like usual dog bites, so it threw me off, after shaving it seems more clear with the bruising. I've rehomed several of my dogs so far, these are the last two.. they're fighting less than when I had 4, but still less than ideal.
What ever kind of snake it is that bit you dog it sounds like it is a poisonous one. The dog also sounds like he is in some distress.

If I had to bet on it I would bet it was a copperhead they cam make you sick as the dickens but I've never heard of a copperhead killing anyone. Dogs are another matter. Coral snakes are rare and they can only bite something that they can get their mouth around like a child's' finger, an ear lobe, or your lip. A cottonmouth moccasin bite would likely already have killed the pooch. That leaves a rattler or my old friend the copperhead.

Where is the bite?
Is the dog going through any "changes?"
How big is the dog?
Is the dog having labored breathing?
What part of the state do you reside in?
What kind of habituate do you have. ie an upland hardwood forest maybe with surface limestone rock formations, farm land, sandy pine forests, swampy poorly drained land etc.?
Is there any swelling or discoloration (skin or flesh turning black) at the bite sight?

At this time of year I would expect snakes to be leaving their winter dens and traveling down hill to access more fertile hunting grounds. Then again maybe your dogs killed and ate Mr. No Shoulders.

I would at least call the vet and get his advice.
Good luck to you and to your brave pooch.

Yea I see now Montevallo. Prime copperhead territory. Be sure the bruising is not discoloration caused by the hemo-toxins from a pit viper bite. The dog licking its own hair off still worries me.
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He's got a bunch more in his neck, which leads me to believe they're dog bites. The elongated shape made me believe initially that it was a snake bite, shaving his leg clarified the situation to me.

I am using triple antibiotic ointment on them. Sadly, this isn't the first time they've bit each other, but usually it's not this bad. And usually I hear them fight, so I can separate them.

They were an unexpected litter two years ago, I recently managed to rehome the mom through a breed specific rescue. We're down to two of the 'pups', but I desperately need them neutered. Now that we only have 2, that actually becomes an option, previously I couldn't separate them, with 2, I can.

The mom was terribly emaciated when we got her, and she seemed to have a scar on her belly, so it was assumed she was fixed. Dad was a 'pure bred' beagle with hip dysplacia, who was put down after attacking my step-son (food aggression). The mom and the two pups I rehomed did not show any aggression, thank God. One of the dogs I still have does have a mean streak, especially when it comes to food, but he's the one with all the bites, so I suppose the other dog is fending for himself now.

I can't with good conscience rehome dogs with aggression issues. They're living in a separately fenced in yard.. again, not ideal, but my fiance does not believe in putting down healthy dogs.

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