Poorly duckling - loss of appetite, lethargic


In the Brooder
May 19, 2020
Hi from England.

we rescued a wild duckling 4 days ago.
We really didn’t think It would make it but with a full day of water, food and rest it soon became full of life.

Every morning it’s has woke me crying at 6am and then when I get to it happy chirping (genuine happiness to see me) and ready for its day. This morning however it did not wake me as usual. I woke up around 7:30am so check up on it and it awoke and started chirping - but neither its usual happy chirp or a cry 😢 And it’s not stoped.

I got it out and encouraged drink but it was more concerned with sleeping and cuddling. It stops chirping when it’s tucked under my arm and sleeping. it has barely eaten.

we have been feeding it extra Select - chick Crumb. (from Amazon)

I also purchased Johnson’s Poultry Tonic which i add to its water.

I suspect it could be cold, our heat lamp was broken - we haven’t had ducklings for a long time but our house is very warm, especially today!! We have been using a hot water bottle and a sleeve of an old wholly jumper at night- I know this is not ideal but with lock down it has been very difficult to get the bits we require 😢

I am not sure how old he/she is but guessing only a week old.

It was grooming and scratching a lot last night but I couldn’t see any sign of mites.
Any advise would be much appreciated, I am very worried.
Thank you
I would just try to keep him/her as warm as possible. Seeing as it's quite young, you'd want to have the temp at 85-90 F (-5 every week). Do you have a thermometer? That may help. I would read @Isaac 0 's forum on Niacin, I don't know all that much about feeding but it may help. If you think he's low on energy that may be it, but for now you could give him some finely diced hard boiled or scrambled eggs (seriously a lifesaver). Could you send a picture of the brooder? Also, since he's alone you could put a little mirror and blanket in there.
I would just try to keep him/her as warm as possible. Seeing as it's quite young, you'd want to have the temp at 85-90 F (-5 every week). Do you have a thermometer? That may help. I would read @Isaac 0 's forum on Niacin, I don't know all that much about feeding but it may help. If you think he's low on energy that may be it, but for now you could give him some finely diced hard boiled or scrambled eggs (seriously a lifesaver). Could you send a picture of the brooder? Also, since he's alone you could put a little mirror and blanket in there.
Thank you for your reply.
the poor ducking is not even drinking now. Even with encouragement. Any advice on how to get some fluid into him would be much appreciated, he has turned very weak.

Our brooder is just a plastic tub. With a ventilated lid - obviously he was a rescue so we had to make do with what we had and quickly. It has a towel at the base with a puppy mat on top. The hot water bottle is at one end wrapped in a towel with the wholly jumper sleeves for him to snuggle into

I popped a thermometer in the tank today it’s on 50•c with the lid on and 40•c without the lid....this is when the hot water bottle first goes in and obviously this drops slowly as the hot water bottle cools. He has water in a poultry drinker inside his box.

We only really put him in it at night or when he falls asleep on us as he is being kept in our home. He is currently nested under my arm, inside my jumper as that is the only place he is settling without chirping. Surprisingly its 30•c under there.

my partner has gone out hunting for a new bulb for our heat lamp but most places are closed in the U.K.

electrolytes would be a dream right now. I have made some diy sugar remedy and wiping this around his beak but he is refusing to drink any. 😢
Thank you for your reply.
the poor ducking is not even drinking now. Even with encouragement. Any advice on how to get some fluid into him would be much appreciated, he has turned very weak.

Our brooder is just a plastic tub. With a ventilated lid - obviously he was a rescue so we had to make do with what we had and quickly. It has a towel at the base with a puppy mat on top. The hot water bottle is at one end wrapped in a towel with the wholly jumper sleeves for him to snuggle into

I popped a thermometer in the tank today it’s on 50•c with the lid on and 40•c without the lid....this is when the hot water bottle first goes in and obviously this drops slowly as the hot water bottle cools. He has water in a poultry drinker inside his box.

We only really put him in it at night or when he falls asleep on us as he is being kept in our home. He is currently nested under my arm, inside my jumper as that is the only place he is settling without chirping. Surprisingly its 30•c under there.

my partner has gone out hunting for a new bulb for our heat lamp but most places are closed in the U.K.

electrolytes would be a dream right now. I have made some diy sugar remedy and wiping this around his beak but he is refusing to drink any. 😢
For now, or if you can't find a heat lamp, I would try to get one of these if you have one in the house, or it may be easier to find in stores

Just check the temp regularly.
The sugar water should help if he drinks it. I would try to get him to eat some chopped up scrambled eggs. @Isaac 0 and @Miss Lydia can help
My partner has come home with a basking spot lamp. It’s pretty bright 🙈 but at least we can get some regulated heat - trying to figure out a way to dull the light down.

Baby just took a little food and water whooo!! Still lethargic, no energy at all 😢 it’s gone back to sleep I will try some more in the next 20mins or so.
My partner has come home with a basking spot lamp. It’s pretty bright 🙈 but at least we can get some regulated heat - trying to figure out a way to dull the light down.

Baby just took a little food and water whooo!! Still lethargic, no energy at all 😢 it’s gone back to sleep I will try some more in the next 20mins or so.
Great! A red filter will dull it a bit

I wonder if's there's like a DIY filter you could do? Of course you'd have to be careful with what you use to avoid fire hazards but maybe there's something you could try..

I'll look for one
How's he/she doing now? You mentioned earlier that the poop was quite sticky, and though it may just be normal, not having enough water may effect that

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