Poop board covering - Black Jack57 or linoleum?

I can't help you...but I am very curious as to what a "poop board" is. We have a pair in chicken tractor, and 22 chicks growing by the day. Will a "poop board" make life easier in the coop? Please tell!

It's a piece of plywood under the roost to catch the poop while they sleep. Scrape it off every couple days into a container.

Lots of info on the topic. Search poop board, and you can read for days.
poop board with linoleum
My roost is only 3½" away from my poop board covered in linoleum. This I find saves eggs that are laid in darkness.

I have gone with a wire 2" grid (wire the size of a pencil) over my coop floor. Similar to what is pictured below with 4"x4"x4" cubed blocks stationed under neath the grid on top of a tarp to form a drop pit it worked excellent all summer and I will clean the coop before winter sets in and things freeze solid. The grid even keeps you chickens feet cleaner which in turn keeps your eggs and nest boxes less soiled. I live in Canada and am subject to -40º temperatures.


Clean up is simple I have two tarps replace the soiled tarp with a second one. Spread the first tarp out in the sun to bake and dry. Then I scrap it with the back side of an iron garden rake and empty the poop over the compost bin and hose off any stubborn chicken poop.
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My roost is only 3½" away from my poop board. This I find saves eggs that are laid in darkness.

I have gone with a wire 2" grid (wire the size of a pencil) over my coop floor. Similar to what is pictured below with 4"x4"x4" cubed blocks stationed under neath the grid on top of a tarp to form a drop pit it worked excellent all summer and I will clean the coop before winter sets in and things freeze solid. The grid even keeps you chickens feet cleaner which in turn keeps your eggs and nest boxes less soiled. I live in Canada and am subject to -40º temperatures.
Clean up is simple replace the tarp with a second one. Spread the first tarp out in the sun to bake and dry. Then flex the first tarp over the compost bin and hose off any stubborn chicken poop.
Wish I had seen this post before I built my coop.
That whole "tarp - poop pit" ideal sounds very interesting.
Ours are just sealed with varnish so the moisture doesn't penetrate the wood. Its a 2x12x8 with a 2x3 spaced 5" high and 6" from the edge, backed up to the cross blocking on a 2x4 wall. Use a 5" drywall knife to scrape it out twice a week into a bucket.
Building currently. . .
I have had a poop board with linoleum before and it worked fantastic! I am just now learning about this Black Jack 57. Which one would be better to cover my plywood poop board with?

I am not using sand or PDZ or anything like that. . . just a poop board.

I'd stick with the linoleum(probably vinyl?)....will be easier to scrape clean.
My roost is only 3½" away from my poop board covered in linoleum. This I find saves eggs that are laid in darkness.

I have gone with a wire 2" grid (wire the size of a pencil) over my coop floor. Similar to what is pictured below with 4"x4"x4" cubed blocks stationed under neath the grid on top of a tarp to form a drop pit it worked excellent all summer and I will clean the coop before winter sets in and things freeze solid. The grid even keeps you chickens feet cleaner which in turn keeps your eggs and nest boxes less soiled. I live in Canada and am subject to -40º temperatures.


Clean up is simple replace I have two tarps replace the soiled tarp with a second one. Spread the first tarp out in the sun to bake and dry. Then flex the first tarp or scrap it with the back side of an iron garden rake empty over the compost bin and hose off any stubborn chicken poop.
Where did you get your grid? I keep changing up my floor in hopes of finding a better way. I would love cleaner feet.

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