poo question...


15 Years
Dec 28, 2008
Pickens SC
As if my husband didnt already think I was a nut when I said I wanted to become a beekeeper

Now I am discussing chicken poo... I have a question. My BR chicks are about 9 weeks old...all doing well. I have noticed that "somebody" I dont know who has a reddish, watery poo. I wouldnt really call it bloody just a reddish slurry while most of the others do NOT. I have thought that it was just a result of somebody beeing a pig over snacks but now I wonder.

Do I feed medicated food ? I think so but am not sure... I was out of food and picked up a bag a Tractor Supply... it was a grower finisher and I honestly cant remember if it was medicated but I think so .

any ideas ?

Grower/Finisher probably isn't medicated. I don't know the answers to the rest of your query, but that much I'm pretty sure of.

Good luck!

Is anyone acting sick? Eating/drinking/frisky?
You may want to switch back to the chick starter for another bag's worth (how many birds do you have?) and save the finisher for when they're a bit older.

I know they told me to feed starter until my pullets were around 16 weeks old.

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