Announcement Political Ads On BYC - Not Gonna Happen!



BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
We're heading into a pretty unprecedented election here in the US.

In preparation for this, we've decided to disallow politically / charged discussions.

With this intense election comes more ad-spending by both parties than we've ever seen before! A lot of websites will be taking advantage of this tremendous flow of $$ and enabling political ads on their pages.

Well, to make sure BYC is putting our money where our mouths are (almost literally), we've completely disabled ALL political ads from showing to any of our site visitors.

Sure, this may create a big missed opportunity, especially during the months where traffic to BYC is at it's lowest, but we've decided to be very mindful of our amazing community visitors and members, which mean more to us than a bunch of dirty political money! LOL! ;)

Similarly, we've made the choice not to allow pop-up ads, auto-play audio ads, dating ads, and a slew of other "categories" of ads that might bring in a ton of $$, but we've decided it's not worth it. (It's reasons like this that we suggest peeps hang out here instead of FB, that clearly sells your data and will show you whichever ads pay you the most, regardless of which party <cough> or foreign entities</cough> ;) ) are paying. Let's see if Zuckerberg is also willing to completely block all political ads like we do!?!)

A few things we would like to request:
  1. Ad Blockers: Please avoid using them on BYC. Ads are by far the primary way we keep the site free for millions of people. We disable a bunch of the ad placements for members to make their experience better. We also disable 100% of all ads for our Premium Feather Members (PFM). So, if you'd like to use BYC, please either do so with ads enabled, or purchase / win a PFM.
  2. Patience With Slippery Ads: We have a lot of great ad-partners and a ton of fancy tech to try and keep unsavory ads out. Even with this in place, sometimes "bad ads" slip through the filters. If you see a political ad, or another ad that you feel doesn't align with our community, please send me a private message conversation with a screenshot of the ad.
Thanks to all our amazing members for making BYC such a fantastic place to visit and hang-out!!!
Okay Nifty, you convinced me.. So I went to look at PFM.. only to discover it's a bit beyond my comfort zone, despite being worth every penny. :hmm I wish there was a way you could offer lifetime membership for like $100 and yearly for closer to $20, maybe a FLASH sale for Christmas.. though I guess that's a little off topic.. :oops:

So I did the next best thing.. as requested and removed my ad blocker because I do LOVE what BYC offers and taking a stance against politics, more so working hard to provide a place of peace and refuge is an honorable cause! :highfive:

I'll admit I miss some of the chicken related stuff I used to see and be able to review on the home page.. but almost instantly wonder what have I gotten myself into.. I'm now seeing shoes and jewelry, etc. I'm almost confused, lol! :p

Okay at least it's picking up and showing things of real interest like Korean BBQ and chocolate! I will get through this with the support of my BYC friends and in turn support my BYC friends.. AND our forum providers.. Thank you! :wee
I didn’t even know you offered paid memberships, until the previous political announcement post. I haven’t really dug into it but I think it would be an excellent bday present hint if someone could steer me in the right direction.
I wish my eyes had ad blocker!! I have never seen so many signs and flags! Large flags! Some people even have them on their roofs around. Here:eek:
I didn’t even know you offered paid memberships, until the previous political announcement post. I haven’t really dug into it but I think it would be an excellent bday present hint if someone could steer me in the right direction.
I wish my eyes had ad blocker!! I have never seen so many signs and flags! Large flags! Some people even have them on their roofs around. Here:eek:
Here is the link to the BYC Store

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