Polish crested can't balance/walk


9 Years
Apr 2, 2015
Katy TX
Ok so one of our polish got struck with a terrifying case of lice from who knows where! (None of my other birds seem to have any issues or any real lice at all) I had to bath her spray her and them wait 2 hrs to make sure I got 95% if not all of them removed/killed I removed about 30 from her even post a bath. She seems to be drinking and eating but she can balance or really do much more than a penguin shuffle when I force her. Is this anemia or a deficiency? I've got her on food 24/7 whith vitamins and calcium in both food and water but given how far gone she is to point of balance will she recuperate? Or are chances she'll just flatline one day? She seems fine other than inability to walk and balance, her feathers were glossy and waterproofed her wings are strong and she wants to move she just can't. She was highly sleepy at first but I believe that was the anemia which I think has improved post me force feeding her twice post bath and her happily taking liquids. Her poops have also improved so any ideas on her chances of getting back on her feet? I did not intend to let it get so far but originally she appeared to be limping and given tendency to jump from our roof I thought it was a hurt leg now I think it may have just been long term anemia as I didn't check for parasites (she acted fine just walked oddly) which means she suffered like this for a good week and a half :(
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@MGG she's thin but I don't know if that's due to the lice? She was dewormed whith strike just a few months back and her poops show no signs of worms. I'd make her a sling but im afraid that that would just support muscle deterioration in her legs, at least she's trying to walk, I'm worried a sling will cause atrophy and lead to a sick and permanently disabled bird :/
I have it so their legs can touch the ground so they can learn to stand with extra support. Do what you think is best though. To help thin birds gain weight back on I do have Gamebird or broiler feed and some regular feed. Is she eating well? You could look into tube feeding, it might really help her.
@MGG nope she taking only 1/3 to 1/2 what she should I have been tube feeding her twice a day for 2 days now with some squab diet I've got which it's pretty fatty and rich to give her a boost. She does drink but not so much for eating. Her food is a mash of banana, layer, calcium, squab diet, and vitamin supp. She also will take live mealworms but is kinda clumsy and let's them get away :/
Definitely keep tube feeding. I would stop giving the banana, any reasons for that? I don't think she needs layer until she comes back into lay. I would go ahead with just the squab diet, and maybe the vitamin supplement. Can you post some pics of her? I think the chair is a good idea still. You don't have to leave her in it all day. Is her crop emptying normally? Maybe increase the frequency of the feedings.
@MGG welp I'm actually going out of town tomorrow morning for 5 days so I set her up in a smaller area so she can easily reach her food/water I just fed banana cause it's soft and flavorfull to convince her to eat. Don't think my pet sitters will tube feed her while I'm gone but I did teach them how to Mix her feed so she's getting supplements and extra boost. I also have her treated for cocci, just dewormed, and have her water a combo of hydro hen, rooster booster, vetrx, and some honey to give her a kick. She looks fine physical Ly until you notice lack of appetite and she trys moving. Now I'm really worried though cause one of my 2 four year old girls suddenly lost her appetite and has huge dilated pupils that take up her entire eyes and her comb is kinda pale, so now I'm wondering if the two have been possibly hit by some strain of Marek's :( I've only experienced the neural form in young pullets but I think Penny(my 4 yr bantam) my have the ocular form ..I have to be up and to the airport by 6am but if I wake up and remember I'll snap pics.

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