Polish chickens in deplorable condition


6 Years
Aug 24, 2013
Auburndale, Wi
I bought 5 polish hens today, 7.00 a piece btw they are laying and one is broody. The girls have never been outside, no Windows, no ventilation, the inside of the coop was not in bad repair but the overwhelming smell of ammonia was more than I could handle (I have over 50 chickens and my coop never smells like that, he had 12). The polish are completely bald on their heads no top hats at all, they look like Turkey vultures. His white rocks were picking on some of them when I was there and the poor things just buried their heads under their wings and took the abuse. Well I could not leave those poor girls in those conditions so yes I got them all for 10 dollars less than asking price. No worries I quarantine all new chicks and chickens. I got home and thought about the other chickens besides the mean old white rocks, I am going back tomorrow to get the rest, it just breaks my heart the way some people take care of animals. Of course he said the chickens were the kids like that freed him of all responsibility. I have friends with chickens who use the deep litter method and clean their coops once a year and their coops smell like lilacs compared to the one I got the polish from. Maybe my standards are too high, but I can sling pig, goat, rabbit, and chicken poo with the best of them and yes my favorite shoes are my tall rubber boots. Thanks for listening I will add some pictures tomorrow so you can see my new girls btw is there anything I can do to help with feather growth? :)
Oh my, I will never understand how people can let any animal live like that... No windows and never been outside?! Those are going to some happy girls at their new home. No tips on feather regrowth, I've heard that if it's too bad that sometimes feathers never come back or possibly not until they molt. Best of luck with them and I think it's great that you took them in :)
I've heard of feeding a little cat food for the protein to help with feather growth, but I'm not sure how much or wet or dry... I'll see what I can find out for you. :) congrats on your new girls- good job rescuing them!

Edited to add- here's a thread I found on the cat food. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/618467/cat-food-for-chickens/10

Hope it helps and that your girls are feathered soon- they need little sweaters! ;)
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I've been reading on the byc as well as other web pages. (no I don't have chicks yet getting this week)
I'm very excited because with all the reading, questions I've asked here and asked of people around
me who have chickens I feel pretty confident I can do this right.

My understanding is that if the feathers come back it is more of a bonus.
The important thing is getting them nourished back to good health which is
something you seem very happy to do. It makes me angry people actually get
paid to be abusive

Rubber boots? Like rain boots or do they have farm boots for girls I need to get?
The feathers will come back, don't worry. :) I forgot to address that in my previous post. It'll take a few weeks but soon they'll be back to their gorgeous polish ways. :)

Eta- @potagergirl They make just plain old rubber boots that are easily rinsed off. You can leave them outside your back door so you don't track bacteria/dirt/feces inside. They're really handy, I'd definitely recommend some. :)
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Poor polish girls I have a golden laced polish that live with me in the house she only goes out if the weather is nice she watches tv with us and has he own bed and is very spoiled I couldint emagine her getting her crest pulled out in some smelly cage how apsolutly discusting I whould call animal services on this person! You did the right thing!
Checked on the ladies this morning and they were roosting comfortably in the barn even let me pet them. I talked to them and they had a bit to say but today I will fill them in on how wonderful their lives are going to be from now on (come on I know all of you talk to your chickens too lol). I am going to give them some cat food and see if it helps. They don't have any mites thank goodness and their bodies are fully feathered and that part of them is beautiful. Like I said I will take a few pictures today so you can see what they look like. I am going to get the rest this morning, I think I will just keep them all together for a couple weeks before introducing them to the flock. They must have never seen a cat before as my cat Oscar goes everywhere I do (on the farm) they didn't know what to do but gave the cat a tongue lashing and let him know to stay away from them it was comical, the cat is wonderful with all of my animals even baby chicks. Anyway thank you all for your support. In Wisconsin rubber boots are a must have lol.
Thanks Malibu for the link it seems there are pro's and cons to cat food but I will give them a bit every so often. I am so excited about getting my new girls back to the beautiful birds they always should have been. :)
Just want to say Thank You for rescuing them! I agree it is deplorable how some people keep animals, and especially livestock. Unfortunately being livestock puts them in another class vs pets but they need the same care! I am sure your girls are going to be so happy with grass under their feet and the sun on their backs.

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