Poisoning grubs


May 19, 2019
Hello! New member here and new backyard chicken dad.

I had a question pertaining to grubs. I don’t use chemicals in my yard for obvious reasons. However, I really have to do something about my grubs. I’ve been told that laundry detergent is a great way to kill grubs and fertilize the yard due to the sulfur and phosphate (I think).

Would this be dangerous for chickens that routinely eat the grass and grubs? I usually err on the side of caution but I really need to treat the yard.
Thanks for your response! I hadn’t thought of that. Nemotodes are a garden killer though :-/
Not these. There are thousands of species of nematodes. Predatory nematodes don't damage a garden, they damage their target pest.
There are predatory nematodes that specifically target all sorts of bugs.
There's one specifically for ants, another specifically for small hive beetles.
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Hello! New member here and new backyard chicken dad.

I had a question pertaining to grubs. I don’t use chemicals in my yard for obvious reasons. However, I really have to do something about my grubs. I’ve been told that laundry detergent is a great way to kill grubs and fertilize the yard due to the sulfur and phosphate (I think).

Would this be dangerous for chickens that routinely eat the grass and grubs? I usually err on the side of caution but I really need to treat the yard.
Don’t your chickens eat all the grubs?

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