PLYMOUTH ROCK Discussion Thread


Nov 8, 2022
I started my chicken journey just over two years ago with sixteen Barred Plymouth Rock chicks. Because of this, they are my favorite breed. I haven't yet seen a general discussion thread for them, so I figured I should start one to share about our birds and to discuss the breed in general.

My favorite color is barred, since that is what I have right now. Blue is currently tied with barred for most favorite, even though I don't have any blue.
I currently don't have any Plymouth Rocks, but I've owned some. My first Plymouth Rocks were Barred, then later I got a small breeding flock of the Whites. I ended up getting other Barred since hand, which was usually one in a flock. (For whatever reason, I like having my one Barred.)

This was my last BR whose name was Pearl:

I currently don't have any Plymouth Rocks, but I've owned some. My first Plymouth Rocks were Barred, then later I got a small breeding flock of the Whites. I ended up getting other Barred since hand, which was usually one in a flock. (For whatever reason, I like having my one Barred.)

This was my last BR whose name was Pearl:

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Pearl is beautiful! I really like the darker gray ones.

Mine are starting to look more like that again now that they're molting. Some of them are still faded enough that they look almost white from a distance. lol

I think I will always have at least one Barred Rock in any flock I have. They're just so fun and they have such big personalities!

The White Rocks are so pretty! There is just something so nice about a clean, crisp white (not that they stay like that for long, once they get to dustbathing and scratching around in the dirt lol).

I'm not sure if I would ever have some myself. I always feel like pale or white birds are way too obvious for predators, so that makes me a bit nervous about getting any. They are gorgeous, though, so I will always admire them!
Pearl is beautiful! I really like the darker gray ones.

Mine are starting to look more like that again now that they're molting. Some of them are still faded enough that they look almost white from a distance. lol

I think I will always have at least one Barred Rock in any flock I have. They're just so fun and they have such big personalities!

The White Rocks are so pretty! There is just something so nice about a clean, crisp white (not that they stay like that for long, once they get to dustbathing and scratching around in the dirt lol).

I'm not sure if I would ever have some myself. I always feel like pale or white birds are way too obvious for predators, so that makes me a bit nervous about getting any. They are gorgeous, though, so I will always admire them!
Thanks! When that picture was taken, she was still young. Her color did fade some, though never as dull as what you're talking about with yours.

Really? I've never known anyone to have just one BR in their flock like me. I thought it was just something weird I liked to do. :lol:
My Whites didn’t stay too white long either. Their color wasn't an issue with me on them. (Had a very secure run at the time.) My issue is the flock they were in brought in Marek's Disease, so most of the flock either died or was culled. Because of the disease, any of the breeds new to me that got sick, I have a hard time ever wanting anymore again. It's like the disease ruined the breeds for me. (I also had Delawares and Black Ameracaunas in the flock.)
I have one Barred Rock in my mixed flock of 8, and she's become a favorite because she's so mellow and cuddly - and a great layer! She's in the middle of the pecking order but biggest of them all, and no one picks on/pecks her; she's Miss Congeniality. She hangs out near me while I'm tending their coop and yard, curious about whatever I'm doing, and if I reach toward her she squats and lets me pick her up for a good, long cuddle. None of the others seem to really like lap/cuddle time though most will tolerate it for a bit ("Okay, pet me, if you must, *sigh*!); Xenobia pretty much insists, getting in the way of my work until she gets her attention session. After I put her down, she usually hangs around a bit longer before continuing her business of chickening-around. Love all her dense, soft fluff! She has a lower voice than the other girls, too, almost a honking sound to her clucks and chatter. The Buff Orpington and Delaware are the top 2 birds but they hang out companionably with "Xena" (nickname makes us laugh as she's no "warrior princess"!) and she's friendly with the "lower ranks" except at special treat times, when she just crowds them aside with her bulk - no need to peck!

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