Plucking the duck


Jul 9, 2020
Hey guys, just harvested 3 of my Saxony drakes a few days ago. YouTube was helpful but I’m not sure I got EVERY single pin feather. I did the 150 temp water with paraffin wax and that seemed to work well, however it seemed like there were still bits here and there left. All and all they came out pretty clean. I didn’t take any pics and they are in the freezer now but wondering how pristine they need to be to cook them? If I didn’t get them all is there anything I can do pre-roasting to ensure they come out well and I don’t get anything weird in my meal? Thanks!
Even with wax it's still hard to get every single feather. It can get pretty tedious during the end of plucking, so a lot of the times a just throw them in the fridge, and do the little tedious work, inside, right before I throw them in the oven.

The tiny down feathers will get roasted in the oven pretty well, just watch out for the big ones and I think you'll be fine.

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