
Feb 3, 2018
Hello Everyone! So to summarize, my mom found a mallard duckling a few days old with a broken leg and took her home. We began tending to her and even got her a new friend about her size. Unfortunately, before we could take her to the vet, she passed away. Now, I have just one lone duckling, Sunny. I went back to the pet store to see if they had ducklings around Sunny's age but they were way too big. All of the other pet stores I know don't have any ducklings or don't even sell ducks. I understand that having a lone duck can be detrimental so we try to spend as much time with her cuddling, letting her sleep on us, and outside to play. I also put a mirror where she sleeps and a warm water bottle next to her. I've tried to control her feeding to 3 times a day of chick starter and 2 snacks of fruits and vegetables. Whenever I leave food out for her all day, she tends to gorge and her crop gets huge.
Does anybody know if I should control her eating or just leave food in 24/7? Is a big crop normal for a duckling? She drinks a lot of water, so could most of it be just small amounts of food expanded with tons of water? Also, how often do baby ducks sleep? She tends to climb on to us and sleep whenever we let her out and I'm not sure if she's sleeping a lot because she is depressed or if its normal? She also sleeps a lot when we put her back in her brooder as well. She loves to follow us around and forage in the grass outside but she is a little young (about 2 weeks since I've gotten her but could be older?) and I was wondering how often should we let her go out and for how long? I've also filled a small kidding pool for her to swim in and put a rock inside for her to jump on whenever she needed to get out. She loves to dive under the water and wash herself. We don't let her swim for too long but we do let her sunbathe, how long should or can a duckling be in water for?

She probably needs warmth if just 2 weeks old this link will take you some good info on caring for a duckling. I would really try to get her a friend they really like the companion of another. Ducklings can get water logged so I'd watch her close when she is in the pool. Maybe 10 min at the most till she starts preening and getting her oil glad up and working to water proof her feathers as they come in. This is if it's a very warm day because they can chill easily too.

Duckling need to have food 24/7 at her age. Maybe the reason she is gorging is because she isn't getting it like that. Their crops can look pretty big when they eat.

Can you post some pics? how old were the other ducklings you were looking at? usually even older ducklings if introduced slowly can be best of friends pretty quick.
Thank you so much for your advice! The first pic was of her when we first got her and the second one is more recent. The ducks we were looking at were at least 2 months old or a little older. But we'll continue searching a friend for her. Do you know if ducklings sleep often in the day? When we had the other duckling they both did not sleep much but now, the remaining one we have sleeps very often.
More than likely she is sleeping more because she is alone. Like you saw where it was the 2 they were more active. That is one cutie pie duckling. Put a non breakable mirror in with her for company till you find her a buddy. What are you feeding your duckling?
Thank you for the quick response! I'm feeding her all purpose crumbles, the guy at the pet store said that's what they fed their ducks in the store so that's the one I got. I also feed her finely chopped fruits and lettuce as well. We keep a mirror in our brooder at all times until we can introduce her to a new friend.
I'll look into which pet stores I can buy chick grit from. Also, she is getting a little smelly, is there anyway to get rid of the smell? I don't want to use shampoo because it might strip her of the oil in her coat. Or is the smell normal and should i just scrub her with plain water then?
I'll look into which pet stores I can buy chick grit from. Also, she is getting a little smelly, is there anyway to get rid of the smell? I don't want to use shampoo because it might strip her of the oil in her coat. Or is the smell normal and should i just scrub her with plain water then?

What kind of bedding are you using? Is she stinky or is it her brooder?

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