Please help! Wry neck or injury?


In the Brooder
Sep 28, 2021
I have a pullet that was like this when I let her out of the coop this morning. Her head is curved downward and not sideways at all. Is this wry neck or was she injured? Thanks for the help!


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How old is your pullet? Do you have a rooster? Is she low or average in the pecking order? In addition to the vitamin E, I would use 1/4 tablet of human vitamin B complex daily. Wry neck is a neurological symptom. It can be seen in head or neck injuries, vitamin E or thiamine deficiency, and in certain diseases, such as Mareks and a few others.
I have a pullet that was like this when I let her out of the coop this morning. Her head is curved downward and not sideways at all. Is this wry neck or was she injured? Thanks for the help!
Welcome to BYC! :frow

Sorry your girl is having trouble. :(

Please describe your feed routine including treats and supplements to help rule in or out possible vitamin deficiency as cause for the wry neck symptom before jumping to conclusions . It doesn't have to be sideways to be the same. Treating as if it were caused by such will not be harmful.. if her crop is still functioning.. As mentioned don't forget the thiamine (b complex), in addition to the E and selenium.

Is she still eating, drinking, foraging with the flock mates? Is her crop empty this morning?

Well oddly enough this morning her neck is upright and she seems to be acting fine. I didn’t give her any vitamin e yesterday because I couldn’t find it. I had previously bought some for a quail and didn’t want to have to buy it again. I planned on buying more today if I still hadn’t found it.

I feed an organic grower crumble regularly and then have a scratch and peck or new country organics feed that I ferment and give 3-4 times a week. I occasionally add poultry cell vitamin supplement to their water, not on a regular basis though. She is in my bantam flock because she was raised by a silkie hen and that’s where I put all of my babies in the beginning.

She was not eating, foraging, etc. yesterday and is doing all of that today. I’m leaning towards her being injured somehow vs a vitamin deficiency. Although it seems strange for an injury to have healed overnight.

Thank you everyone for all of your recommendations!

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