Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.


In the Brooder
Mar 14, 2024
I have two Pekin ducks, a male and a female Karen and Jaylen Waddles.

this is her second attempt at sitting on a clutch. The first attempt was unfortunately destroyed and eaten by some field rats that are no longer in the picture.

She is currently on roughly day, 28/29. She was sitting on the eggs constantly like such an amazing mother until about four days ago. Now she is forging again and being the same duck she was 28/29 days ago. She will once a day for about a minute or two check on them, but I check on them more than she does.

She had about 17 eggs originally in the clutch I removed 2, and I know there is one in there right now that is a no longer alive. Afraid to remove that egg should I remove it or is she waiting for me to remove it since I removed the other two? None of the eggs have internally pipped yet.
Not sure what to do. I keep checking them like 3/4 times a day. The odd time she will cover them before she leaves in the morning and sometimes she doesn't cover them.

Please help. First time hatching
You need to go out and candle them all you can post some pictures on here and we can help you know if they are still alive. What are the temps like where you are? When one of my Muscovys ducklings died in the shell there was no warmth to the egg after a few minutes out from under her.
@New duck mommy 2021
One egg internally pipped this morning!! Found it while enjoying my morning coffee. Second pipped around 11am.
Karen has been sitting on them all day!! I will post/update photos this evening. While shes off the eggs eating diner.

Side note. I took the bad egg out and i found three that were not fertile. Not sure where they even came from. 20 days ago i candled them all and numbered all of the eggs.
All three had no numbers. Slightly bigger than her other eggs in the nest and not fertilized at all!! Not sure why or how. I will post those later as well!
Yes, please candle them and post pictures. Although, if it’s really been 4 days since she’s sat, I’d be skeptical.. they can only go so long without proper heat. Do you have an incubator??
Yes I do. But this is my first time natural hatching and trying to leave them as long as possible.
One egg internally pipped this morning!! Found it while enjoying my morning coffee. Second pipped around 11am.
Karen has been sitting on them all day!! I will post/update photos this evening. While shes off the eggs eating diner.

Side note. I took the bad egg out and i found three that were not fertile. Not sure where they even came from. 20 days ago i candled them all and numbered all of the eggs.
All three had no numbers. Slightly bigger than her other eggs in the nest and not fertilized at all!! Not sure why or how. I will post those later as well!
If you have other ducks they will lay their eggs in each others nest that may explain it.


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