PLEASE help...Whole flock-Extreme Respiratory


Jul 4, 2023
Hello all, I'm back with yet another problem...hence why I always come to this very community! Thank you for everything you've done and helped me through in the past.

5 hens, 1 roo...All approx 4½ yrs old (True/not production Rhode Island Red, Blue LaShan, Jersey Giant, and "Mister" whom is a bantam Cochin Fancy Frizzle) except 1 Easter Egger=approx 2yrs, and 1 that's the size of like a seabright, but I don't know her breed and have to guess her age at approx 1-1½yrs.

ALL are sneezing/nasal discharge, like running noises/neck stretching/shaking heads/scratching nasals/MOST IMPORTANTLY LABORED BREATHING (see video attached) which appears is worsening...and as of yesterday lost all interest in their daily dust bathing, bug hunting & ground scratching/some of their favorite treats, but are still drinking and eating however at way less than normal amounts. Today, mostly standing around fluffed out with tails in a downward position. None have laid in several months now and have been in and out of molt, going in and out, in and out...over n over again. All still pooping but not even half as much as usual when I go clean up their poop each morning after letting them out. It's a brand new 8 ft X 8 ft X 6.5 ft high coop we just built and completed (almost). My Rhode Island Red is the worst and the attached video is of her while at her most tested state showing just how heavy her breathing is! They others are slightly behind her, but coming up close now. On hand...Vet RX, Homeopet-I have Oxytetracycline Soluble, Fishbiotics SMZ-TMP. I have a few human amoxicillin capsules & 2 tablets left of a 5 day z-pac. Their feed is in pics attached. I started the Chicken Elixir (also in pics) in their daily water approx a week ago.
The rest in pics are just items I have in my kit from past treatments but is on hand, but not currently being used...
ANY ADVICE, HELP, THOUGHTS SUGGESTIONS WILL BE SOOOO MUCH APPRECIATED! I just lost 1 gal few days ago(Sprilla who had a terminal illness and we were just providing palpative care for, and I believe this same illness affecting all my others in three flock is what took her. A when we had begun her 3rd draining {not all at same time, 3 separate drain dates} of her abdomen fluid, and about 10 ml into it she stepped forward removing the tip of the syringe so we decided to give her a quick break, she preened n preened started to choke like, instantly her comb and waddles went purple and she died. I held her crying for a good 45 minutes {although she was gone} and at least 1-1½ cups of clear liquid drained out of her break. I do believe from the lungs. So I'm terrified, my flock is going to succumb to the same one by one! 2ish weeks prior lost our other gal that had the EXACT symptoms the rest of my flock is now exhibiting!) See pics...


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Sorry that you lost Sprilla. Did you send her body into the state vet for a necropsy to find out what disease she had? A chronic respiratory disease such as mycoplasma, ILT, or coryza may be running through your flock. Have you seen bubbles or foam in the eyes, swollen eyelids, thick or thin nasal drainage, cough or sneez, and gasping? Any bad odor from the faces of the sick birds? If you lose another, or can get testing or a necropsy, that would be helpful to identify which disease it is. Some diseases are viral, and the bacterial diseases need to be treated with the correct antibiotic. Respiratory diseases in a flock may come around until all chickens are gone. They generally make the whole flock carriers for life.
Sorry that you lost Sprilla. Did you send her body into the state vet for a necropsy to find out what disease she had? A chronic respiratory disease such as mycoplasma, ILT, or coryza may be running through your flock. Have you seen bubbles or foam in the eyes, swollen eyelids, thick or thin nasal drainage, cough or sneez, and gasping? Any bad odor from the faces of the sick birds? If you lose another, or can get testing or a necropsy, that would be helpful to identify which disease it is. Some diseases are viral, and the bacterial diseases need to be treated with the correct antibiotic. Respiratory diseases in a flock may come around until all chickens are gone. They generally make the whole flock carriers for life.
We did not, we buried her. It's always on a weekend....Everyone we've ever lost one, it's always always a weekend!
No bubbles no foam in eyes. Been treated for coryza. Sprilla had fecal float test, was negative.
Yes, nasal running and sneezing, no coughing yet. No bad odors.
So your saying they are all gonna die, and nothing can be tried to help them survive it??
can you get tylan and doxycycline? I give those together for respiratory issues. boiled eggs and honey water as treats help as well.
Did any have swollen eyes or faces? I can’t stress how important either testing or a necropsy is for getting a diagnosis. You could be dealing with a virus that may last a month or so, and which antibiotics will not help. But if it is MG or coryza, then the correct antibiotics may help treat symptoms, not cure the disease, and the whole flock will be carriers for life. Then there be a still be outbreaks again in the future, since MG and coryza are chronic lifelong diseases. I make it a point to never buy birds from another person, breeder, swap meet, or chicken sale. It only takes one sick bird to affect all your chickens in the future. Wild birds can bring in diseases as well, but I will only buy chicks from a hatchery in the future.
can you get tylan and doxycycline? I give those together for respiratory issues. boiled eggs and honey water as treats help as well.
I only have Oxytetracycline, no tylan. I thought when giving antibiotics, it's supposed to be their only source of water? So I can put out honey waters also? Boiled? That's a first I'm hearing, I've always been told scrambled.
I only have Oxytetracycline, no tylan. I thought when giving antibiotics, it's supposed to be their only source of water? So I can put out honey waters also? Boiled? This is a first I'm hearing, I've always been told scrambled eggs.

I only have Oxytetracycline, no tylan. I thought when giving antibiotics, it's supposed to be their only source of water? So I can put out honey waters also? Boiled? That's a first I'm hearing, I've always been told scrambled.

you can dilute some honey in little water and mix it with their feed or boiled eggs. boiled eggs have more vitamins than scrambled.
Oxytetracycline is one of several antibiotics that may treat mycoplasma (MG.) What type and dosage are you using? A small bit of honey might flavor the antibiotic water making it more palatable, but not always necessary.

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