Please help, what new babies are these?

Well give it a week or two and put up some photos of them so we can take a look maybe come one can confirm a EE ......

Our EE flock

Thanks, you have a beautiful flock, I just love the muffs.
I tried to change the title, but I couldn't. I know the white ones are silkies, I am still trying to figure out the little brown bantam, any guesses?

Well my, how they have grown! Here is Chirpy now. We have had her for just a little over 3 weeks, and the teacher got her from TSC not sure how old she would have been there? So, any guesses or still to early?

Chirpy then, Chirpy now.

Tell us, who's butt looks bigger.

As you can see though, she has no tail feathers, at least not yet. She is a lot smaller than the silkies being a bantam of some sort, except her legs and feet are almost as big. She was always trying to snuggle under them and did not get into their rowdy chicken games, but now she plays just as hard.
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The five toe is a Silkie ....

What are they about 6 to 8 weeks ???

Sorry, I know that the two are silkies, I am still trying to figure out the brown bantam. I guess I should change the title. Some day I hope to have this forum thing down. Darn, it won't let me change the title.
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