Announcement Please Help & Reply To Unanswered Threads



BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
BYC has been blessed with a HUGE influx of new peeps over the past 3 months, but with all these new members come a LOT of new questions.

Unfortunately a lot of questions have gone unanswered, and this can be a poor experience for our fellow peeps, especially when it happens to brand-new members!

We'd like to encourage everyone to take a moment and look through the Unanswered Posts here: (list without BST section) :

(with BST, etc.

... and focusing on the oldest items, see if you can give a helpful and friendly reply to a handful of posts. If every active member chips in a little-bit wherever they can be of assistance, we could have every new thread have a response :)

In some cases you might have a great answer, in other cases, it might be really helpful to point the person to another thread with answers, and in other situations, it might be beneficial to ask for more details and information that the OP (original poster) left out.

So, take a look, remember what it was like to be a brand-new chicken-owner who needed help, and do your best to "pay-it-forward" by replying to a few unanswered threads!
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I've had this happen to me and it was disheartening when you see how many other threads got quick responses. I try now to respond even when I don't have an answer... I'll at least say as much to help bump the post and let the OP know that they are being heard.
Thanks for helping!

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