
Jan 5, 2023
PLease help! I have an ee with a head problem, her head tilts, but she will correct it, and she walks in circles a lot, but dshe WONT EAT!! Her "grandmother" has the same problem, but will eat as long as it is in a large area since the head problem makes them have terrible aim.
If you know anything about this, please answer bc Starlight (thats the chick) is my favorite!!
PLease help! I have an ee with a head problem, her head tilts, but she will correct it, and she walks in circles a lot, but dshe WONT EAT!! Her "grandmother" has the same problem, but will eat as long as it is in a large area since the head problem makes them have terrible aim.
If you know anything about this, please answer bc Starlight (thats the chick) is my favorite!!
Many times this head tilt (otherwise known as wry neck, star gazing, torticollis) may be caused by a nutrient deficiency, in breeder diet or individual hatching egg. (E, thiamine)

In older birds could also be Marek's or other possibilities..

Please tell are you in the US or what is your country? This will help know what resources may or may not be available to you. Are you using a formulated ration or what is your feed routine including treats and supplements? How old is the baby now?

Much hope for Starlight! :fl
Many times this head tilt (otherwise known as wry neck, star gazing, torticollis) may be caused by a nutrient deficiency, in breeder diet or individual hatching egg. (E, thiamine)

In older birds could also be Marek's or other possibilities..

Please tell are you in the US or what is your country? This will help know what resources may or may not be available to you. Are you using a formulated ration or what is your feed routine including treats and supplements? How old is the baby now?

Much hope for Starlight! :fl
We got her to eat!!! Hooray!
I am still doing reseach tho so i can find what causes her to walk in circles. It is not so much as head tilting like THAT, i guess it is more like head turning, and i know it is a genetic disease.... or maybe not even a disease, but it runs in the family. The head does not flop like the pix on that website, just tilt the slightest bit. I am not even worried about that, it is just the walking in circles and how unsteady she is that worries me. Anyway, i live in tthe USA, but would prefer to keep everything else private.
I would still see about treating her for wry neck, as this sounds like a neurological issue and vit B complex, vit E & selenium could possibly help.

I also would not hatch any more birds from this line since you mentioned it existed in her grandmother.
We didn't mean to hatch her... we have two roosters in the same coop, a silkie and her father, the americauna, and the americauna is lower in the pecking order, so i was hoping the silkie would father the chicks.
We are culling the americauna soon because he is abusive towards our hens anyway. We have tried everything, but he is just mean towards them.

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