Please help me sex my Pekin Chick (Bantam Cochin)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 4, 2014
Australia (BNE)
Hi guys,

I have a mixed flock of presumably all girls as they were bought vent sexed from the breeder, however would like to have some confirmation from you guys as to the sex of my Pekin chick (I know there is some discussion about this but let's for now just assume that's the same as a Bantam Cochin in the US

I am pretty sure about the other 3 but have no clue whatsoever on the sex of this little one. I would hate for it to be a cockerel as it's a really sweet 'affectionate' little fluffball and we are not allowed to keep rooster where I live.

Please have a look at these pics and tell me what you think.

These first 2 pics are at around 10 weeks, the next 3 at around 12-13 weeks of age.

Thank you for your opinion.

Cheers Trish
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Thank you guys so much, I have to admit that I was a bit concerned as she was the one most 'confronting' when our cockerel picked on her, flared her feathers and bumped back and so. However she is very sweet with the other two girls.
You made my day as I thought I would have to return her together with the Wyandotte 'girl' that turned out rather masculine as he started crowing today he will make his trip back to the breeder

Cheers Trish

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