Please Help - day 23, internally pipped - attempted assist by making small hole in air cell but blood came out

Well, believe it or not my wee baby is still alive 🥳 🥳🥰 she’s still weak, but definitely making more noise. I wouldn’t call them peeps, more like lots of tiny squeaks 🥰 she’s not very pretty because the coconut oil I used to hydrate her membrane to get her out of the shell has flattened her feathers, but I think she’s the most adorable thing on the planet 😄😄😄😄 the other egg sadly didnt survive. when I went in for the rescue, in addition to being shrink wrapped it was positioned the wrong way round in the egg. It hadn’t absorbed the blood around the membrane, so I couldn’t do anything.

I have learned so much through this process and will definitely do some things differently next time, but I just wanted to thank you all so much for your support and kindness. It helped me stay calm to know you guys were there, you cared and were interested and that means such a lot.

I will post some pics once she’s strong enough 😄👍❤️😘😘
She’s not looking too bad 😊😊


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She’s not looking too bad 😊😊
Aww, she's so cute!! :love :love I'm so glad to hear she's doing well!
Well my wee baby is finally out with lots of help from me. Was badly shrink wrapped 😞She is very weak, just chirping ever now and then and sometimes moving, nothing like the others, they all kicked up such a racket when they hatched. Does anyone have any advice as to whether I should give her anything? I thought she might be dehydrated as she was 2 1/2 days overdue and shrink wrapped so gave her a drop of warmed water on a bud which she drank…could I be doing anything else?
I give my chicks sugar water to perk them up. (Don't have sugar water as her only source of water, but only use it to give her strength.) For further hydration, you could mix her starter feed with water so it's moist (but not floating).
Hello @Chick Lover 61010. How is your chick doing since your last update? I hope all is well. 🥰
Hello there and thank you for your contact 😊 sadly my wee baby passed away after just 3 or 4 days. It was very undersized and after it tried to start eating it didn’t do well. My thinking was that perhaps it had internal issues but I guess I’ll never know. At least 2 of the eggs pipped or tried to pop at the wrong end. One of the surviving chicks has a deformed neck…I’ve been giving her vitamin e and Selenium for well over a month now with no improvement, so I don’t think it could be wry neck but I honestly don’t know. I’ve taken her to 3 different vets and none of them know what is wrong with her or could identify what has caused the deformity and how to fix it. Unfortunately there are no avian vets in my area 😞 so I’m thinking perhaps the breeder I got the eggs off isn’t a very good one, since I’ve had so much trouble with the dozen they sent me 😮‍💨
Hello there and thank you for your contact 😊 sadly my wee baby passed away after just 3 or 4 days. It was very undersized and after it tried to start eating it didn’t do well. My thinking was that perhaps it had internal issues but I guess I’ll never know. At least 2 of the eggs pipped or tried to pop at the wrong end. One of the surviving chicks has a deformed neck…I’ve been giving her vitamin e and Selenium for well over a month now with no improvement, so I don’t think it could be wry neck but I honestly don’t know. I’ve taken her to 3 different vets and none of them know what is wrong with her or could identify what has caused the deformity and how to fix it. Unfortunately there are no avian vets in my area 😞 so I’m thinking perhaps the breeder I got the eggs off isn’t a very good one, since I’ve had so much trouble with the dozen they sent me 😮‍💨
I’m sorry about your chicks @Chick Lover 61010. 😞 I agree that it does sound like a breeder issue. If the parent birds weren’t in good condition to begin with, the egg quality would have been diminished. Since your chick is being treated for the neck issue with no improvement, position within the egg during incubation may have caused the abnormality. Ultimately, if all incubation conditions were correct, it’s likely a genetic issue. I hope she thrives. It sounds like you’re giving her a wonderful life. ❤️ And, perhaps the answer is still out there. Keep reaching out to the BYC members. There may be someone to suggest a solution no one’s thought of. I hope you’ll keep trying, and I’d love to see photos! Thank you so much for replying back. 🥰

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