PLEASE HELP! Chicken w/prolapsed vent and possible bumblefoot!


7 Years
Sep 13, 2015
I have a LF white cochin hen who yesterday we saw had prolapse vent, we washed her off and sprayed hydrocortisone spray on it, today we bought some vetetrcyn plus, we could not find vetetrcyn VF, will the plus work to spray on it as well? Upon closer inspection it looks like she may have bumblefoot as well on one of her feet, we dont have theracyn but can order some, in the mean time is there anything else I can put on her foot pad to see if that will work? If possible I would like to tey and fix it without surgery but could do that if need be as a last resort. ANY advice is greatly appreciated! I can also get pictures of her injuries as well as the vetetrcyn.
Hi @FeatherMtnFarms

How is your hen?

Were you able to get the prolapse back in?

Can you post some photos of the foot as well?

Depending on how bad the foot is, you may be able to soak in warm epsom salts, dry, apply CLEAR (decolorized) Iodine to the scab (Bumble). Wrap and place her on clean dry bedding. Re-Apply the Clear Iodine the next day - then see if the scab will pull out with the core attached - it may take a couple of applications of Clear Iodine to get it loosened, so if it doesn't look like it will come out, then just apply and wrap - wait until the next day.

Alternatively, you can try using Tricide Neo soakings 2x day for a couple of weeks , this can sometimes dry and heal up Bumblefoot.

Look forward to your photos.
Thank you! She is doing fine, I am able to get the prolapse back in but then it comes out again and I have to put it back in, I am spraying the veteracyn plus on it I have done it twice the past 2 days. Pics of her foot attached, it doesn't seem as swollen of a spot as I have seen in other pics, I could get better pics if need be, she doesn't seem like it hurts to walk on, I only suspect bumble foot because of the scab...?
paisleys foot 2.jpg paisleys foot.jpg
I'm glad that you were able to get the prolapse back in.

Vetericyn is great, but if it comes back out again, it's probably inflamed and swollen a bit. Try soaking the prolapse in epsom salts and apply some hemmoroid cream when pushing back in. The cream and salts will hopefully help reduce swelling. Also if you haven't done so, give her some poultry vitamins and extra calcium.

The foot doesn't look too bad, yes, it looks like Bumblefoot - like you say, it could be much worse. I would try the Clear(Decolorized) Iodine to see if that will work for you. If it was very large, then having to cut it out may be in order, but I think you will be able to work it out with soaking and the Clear Iodine.
So sorry I havent updated with new about paisley, but I have good news!! We didnt have any hemmoroid cream but I read that honey acts like it so i applied that 2 or 3 times when i washed her, other than that I just washed her when her bum got dirty in a tub with warm water, sprayed veteracyn on the actual prolapse, pushed it in then sprayed the vent.

I was getting a little worried because it was lasting so long, but to my thankful suprise yesturday or the day before while I was gone I was told the prolapse had gone back in all by itself without spray or anything!!!!! Sure enough when I got back I checked her and it was in and her vent wasnt even swollen!!! Yay!!! It so far hasnt come back out and is still not swollen but I will keep my eye on her!

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