Please add a button at the TOP of the thread for navigation


6 Years
May 11, 2013
Eastern WA
EDIT: subject line should read, Please add navigation buttons also at the TOP of the thread

Viewing on an ipad 2 ios 6.0.2

Especially on very long threads, such as the mealworm farming one with 109 pages/6000+ posts, getting around can be a chore.

Here's what's happening. I want to read the thread from the beginning. I'm on page 3 at the moment. I'm subscribed to the thread. If I leave page 3 and then later tap on the thread from my subscribed threads page, it takes me to the end of the thread at page 109. I can then tap "first" at the bottom of page 109 to return to page 1. Then I have to scroll down page 1 through hundreds of posts to get to the buttons that say "first previous next last" and do the same thing on page 2 to get to page 3. I do realize there is a feature (at least on the web pc version, not sure about mobile) to type in a specific page of the thread. I'd rather not have to do any typing and would rather tap. Placing the "first prev next last" buttons also at the TOP of each page would help make this easier.

Another idea would be to add ratings to each post. Those above a certain status (say with 100+posts) would be eligible to rate a specific post. Then a "best of the mealworm farming thread", for example, could be viewed by newcomers. It would likely only have hundreds of posts to wade through rather than 6000+. This way people could get the most juicy details from the thread and avoid the hundreds (or thousands) of the "me too" posts and then be able to join in the conversation if they wanted to, on the most current page of the thread.
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Thanks for the feedback and the idea! We'll pass it onto our engineers for evaluation!

I use BYC both on an ipad and a computer. I would love to see some or all of these changes to make using BYC easier:

1) sync a user's "bookmark" on a thread between mobile and computers

If I last read on page 34 of the "farming mealworms" thread on my ipad and then later pick-up the same thread on my computer, it would be nice if BYC knew where I had left off, even if I had been using a different device.

2) allow same number of posts per page on both mobile and computer

I notice on my ipad that there currently is 109 pages of posts for the mealworm thread and 600+ pages on the computer view of the same thread. Why this difference? It's REALLY annoying to have to keep clicking to the next page after only a few posts, especially since our high-speed internet is actually rather slow. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue. Making an equal view of posts per page regardless of device would also help those posts that say, "refer to post #799 on page 355 of this thread". As far as I can tell, I can go directly to a specific page but not a specific post number and only on the computer version. Another idea is to have the software of BYC be a bit smarter, so when someone refers to a specific post #, BYC will automatically hyperlink to that post, which would be even searching!

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