Plastic Mesh in Incubator

Thank you all!

Update out of 28 eggs, 25 made it to lockdown.
Of the 25, I had 5 hatch. One pipped, but didn't make it.

I did indeed go out that day (drove an hour and a half each way) to go get some brooder mates for my lone silkie. While I was gone we had one hatch, but she wouldn't have been able to go into the brooder until the next morning.

I've since had two chicks become lethargic and unable to walk. I gave them nutridrench and they are out of the woods for now. I also have a chick with pastey butt, so this whole hatching/raising chicks thing has been an adventure so far. I'm glad I have this forum.

Our.chickens 5 eggs 2 hatched those 2 died one within minutes and the first was doing great for the first hour but laid down and died. Can anyone tell me what is going on. Unfortunately my neighbors dog killed our feathery friends and my daughter is trying to get one bb from their eggs she has. Do n e such an amazing job and this is soul crushing for her any advice would be great Temp 100.0 and humidity 77%
The humidity may have been a little high. Around 65% is usually the best, But it also can have something to do with the health and nutrition of the hen and rooster.
I'm so sorry you lost the chicks. I know how devastating it can be. :(

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