Plants for shade?? Wysteria

I never thought of using beans. Excellent idea! I'd use sunflowers but we have a hard enough time keeping squirrels out of yard.
Just my opinion, but wisteria is a @&%$(@&^& weed. I spent 20 years in South Carolina trying to keep it out of my back yard. used to take an axe out there and chop the runners off when I was frustrated! Plant ANYTHING else... climbing roses, beans, whatever. How about scarlet runner beans, or clematis.
I'll take a pic of our beans and post it after I get home - they are over the top of the coop now but the trellis takes the brunt of their weight. Some beans are coming through at the top and I go in and pick those - beans are supposedly toxic too so I just watched what was coming in past the trellis and kept it in check. We planted peas directly along the side of the coop since we read they're not toxic and the chickens nailed them so they never got really high.
Living in Florida, I have come to despise running vines, of any kind.
Wisteria, simply run along the ground, and get tangled in your weed eater. Trumpet vine, sends its root down 2ft, and comes up, 50 ft. away.
If you live in the Midsouth, one must not forget the vine, which I have nicknamed,"Green Snow." The indomitable Kudzu.
Here are my beans -


Several years ago some kudzu was found here, near Portland Oregon. I didn't know it would grow here. It was eradicated by a diligent team of gardeners. Hope it never gets here again.

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