"Plain' galvanized hardware cloth versus vinyl-coated


10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Utah County, UT
I thought I read somewhere that vinyl-coated hardware cloth is not good to use in a coop/tractor, but now I'm not seeing anything like that anywhere on the net. So my question is: is there any reason why I wouldn't want to use vinyl-coated hardware cloth?

I found it's cheaper than plain-old galvanized at my local farm supply by a couple of dollars. If there's no real reason not to use it, I might as well... Thoughts?
I think it has to do with chickens pecking the vinyl, but as I've not tried it, I hope someone who has will be more specific...
I am inherently suspicious of it because the other vinyl-coated wires I've known have had a tendency for the coating to start flaking off in a few years, with the exposed parts starting to rust. That said, I have not actually used it myself and have no idea whether I'm being overly cautious here or not.

Do make sure you get vinyl-coated WIRE, not all-plastic mesh that just looks like hardwarecloth. If when you bend or crimp it, it wants to hold that new shape rather than springing back, there is wire of some sort inside. I'd suggest checking that at least the 'labelled' wire gauge is not excessively thin.

Good luck, have fun,

I would agree, if it's coated in plastic but not galvanized, that might explain why it's a bit cheaper, too. I definitely don't want anything that will rust, so when I stop by today I'll check it out.
That seems to have been true of other vinyl-coated wire meshes I've dealt with in past years. Anyhow they rust real fast once the vinyl starts to come off. As I say, I have *no idea* about the hardwarecloth specifically, I am just suspicious.

This is the wire I use:


It is galvanized after weld under the pvc coating. This kind of wire is used to make crab traps and things of that nature.

We'll see how it lasts...I've only had it in service since this summer.

Vinyl coated wire is normally more expensive than the uncoated stuff; I'd double check the gauge of the underlying wire to make sure you're comparing apples to apples. If it's cheaper, I'd suspect the wire is actually a higher gauge or even that the stuff is all plastic.
The stuff we have around here isn't worth using on a coop. It's a real thin wire covered with the vinyl. Looks nice. Feels rather firm. But when you cut it and really take a look at it, a chipmunk could chew threw it in 2 minutes!
Another problem with vinyl coated wire of any kind is that the vinyl can get a little crack in it, then water gets inside and can't dry out, causing the wire to rust inside the vinyl.

Then the whole thing comes apart right when you're least expecting it -- like on a cold rainy night when everything is muddy and you've had a long tiring day at work. . . .

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