Pitch black eggs when candling?!

Oh interesting, mine is pitch black like it’s matching the color of the room I candle them in

That candler is definitely dying. Every once in a while I'll be candling eggs with my flashlight and realize that I'm not seeing as much as I should be. That's my cue that the batteries are dying and it's time to change them. One battery change later and I'm back to seeing everything clearly again.

Especially since you were able to see into the eggs well when you first candled, but now you can't - that candler isn't even shining bright enough to make out the air cell. It's dying, and you need new batteries in it or a new high powered flashight.
That candler is definitely dying. Every once in a while I'll be candling eggs with my flashlight and realize that I'm not seeing as much as I should be. That's my cue that the batteries are dying and it's time to change them. One battery change later and I'm back to seeing everything clearly again.

Especially since you were able to see into the eggs well when you first candled, but now you can't - that candler isn't even shining bright enough to make out the air cell. It's dying, and you need new batteries in it or a new high powered flashight.
Alright that makes me feel so much better thank you!!
View attachment 1447274 here is someone blocking the torch light, when blocked you can see through their hand and the egg. you block the light from the torch, like this pic.
Hmm... I tried it and didn’t have much luck. I grabbed a much much brighter flashlight too
View attachment 1447304 View attachment 1447306
Hmm... I tried it and didn’t have much luck. I grabbed a much much brighter flashlight too
sweet. once you know how, all thats left to do is ENJOY !!! :cool:

err, i mean after you get some new eggs to kill. wait, that sounds bad. I mean start over. oh you know what i mean,
Haha! I won’t be that surprised if they all don’t make it. They survived a 5 hour car ride and switching out different incubators. Just thought that it’d be something to look forward to over the summer:D
Good luck with that little bird in there! The last pic of the blue egg did not look completely black and dead. Keep on keeping on with the little rascal, it may hatch yet. Best wishes!
Excellent work, you are now candling your egg perfectly.

Blue eggs are a bit on the dark side, and good going that you took a picture with it turned over, saved me asking. I can't see signs of life in that one sorry to say, I think if you cracked it open ( when you do eventually give up on any egg, candle and then break it in the trashcan so you can have a look ) I think you'll find the insides rather homogeneous (close to the same kind of goo all through) or just a regular egg that was never fertile.

You can bring home fertile eggs in the car no problem, just get eggs that have not been sat on by the hen for more than a few hours at a time, or a day or two nonstop at most.

Well, you candle perfectly brilliantly. Keep going, it's easy to pick up and you seem the smart cookie kind.
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