Pipd's Peeps!

Hey, look at that, I'm already posting again! :p

Just wanted to quickly update that I just found a nest of tiny eggs back under the hutch that the five silkied Cochin girls sleep in, just a bit too small for the Silkie x Cochin mixes, who are the only bantams laying at the moment. I booty-checked all the silkied Cochin girls, since they're the oldest of the pullets, and they're definitely not the culprits! Then I looked at the Barred Rock bantam girls out of curiosity, and, well, it sure looks like Skeeter might be laying! Her comb and wattles aren't huge, but she and Findlay have been squatting occasionally, and her vent is MUCH wider than the Cochin girls' vents, and a bit wider than Finnie's... So I think Skeet might just be the one, at 24 and a half weeks old!

It's been too long since I got up the gumption to take their pictures last, but here's a quick shot of Skeet just now while I was investigating.

View attachment 2939741
What a beautiful girl! :love
Merry Christmas!

Btw where did you get that sticker? :p

You mean the smiley?
a toast.gif
I downloaded it and a bunch of others that I like to use every now and then from this thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/smiley-library.1174444/
Depends on if you're on a phone / tablet or a computer.

For the former, you hold your finger on the one you want to save for a couple seconds, then pick 'download image' from the menu that pops up.

For the latter, you right click on the one you want and pick 'save image as' from that menu, then pick the folder you want to save it to from there.

It might be a little different if you use Apple products, but I have no experience with them.

Either way, you should then be able to pick 'attach files' and use them in your post after you've saved them. 😊
We ended the year on a sour note here. I lost Sybil on the 29th rather suddenly, my grandmother passed away last week, and the legend herself, Betty White, left us yesterday. What a rotten year 2021 was right to the end, but at least it's over now and I've made it through.
im okay.gif

Happy new year, y'all--and here's hoping it's a good one this time! :fl
We ended the year on a sour note here. I lost Sybil on the 29th rather suddenly, my grandmother passed away last week, and the legend herself, Betty White, left us yesterday. What a rotten year 2021 was right to the end, but at least it's over now and I've made it through. View attachment 2946534

Happy new year, y'all--and here's hoping it's a good one this time! :fl
I'm sorry for all the losses. I'm happy to leave 2021 behind too:woot
Winter has decided to rear its ugly head at last. It rained much of yesterday, and then froze overnight and snowed over. I had to bring hot water out to get my lock opened on the main coop, and then to get the doors, themselves, open because all the mud tracked into the doorways froze and sealed them shut! Then, of course, everyone's water was frozen and needed refilling, and other coops were frozen shut (but thankfully opened with a screwdriver rather than me having to go back in for more water). :th Is it spring yet?
Winter has decided to rear its ugly head at last. It rained much of yesterday, and then froze overnight and snowed over. I had to bring hot water out to get my lock opened on the main coop, and then to get the doors, themselves, open because all the mud tracked into the doorways froze and sealed them shut! Then, of course, everyone's water was frozen and needed refilling, and other coops were frozen shut (but thankfully opened with a screwdriver rather than me having to go back in for more water). :th Is it spring yet?
Uff. I'm glad it's quite warm here😁 10°C here today! And sunny too. It’s usually freezing at this time of year🤷‍♀️
Jealous! It was fairly warm for a few weeks here, around 45 F or 7 C during the day and barely below freezing if at all overnight, so this was rather abrupt. It was 23 F / -5 C this morning, not supposed to get much warmer than that today, and meant to get down to 11 F / -11.6 C overnight
so cold.gif
Not the coldest we'll see this winter, I'm sure, but darn, I was hoping to keep the weather we were having most of December!

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