Pipd's Peeps!

Yeah, it has been a lot lately. Fortunately, the smiles outweigh the sad stuff, even if it doesn't feel like it at times. Thank you (and Ron!) for the condolences, that was a particularly tough loss for me.

Of course! šŸ˜Š I ought to get that finished up today. I only had about 50 pictures left to judge when I left off, though of course it's still open and getting new entries so that could have changed by now.
It is going to be another wonderful calnedar!
Another batch of egg soap done today! I tried to do swoopies on the top, but I don't think I let it set long enough for proper swoopies, so they kinda look funky. šŸ¤£ (And yes, 'swoopies' is the proper technical term for it :p )


This is another lemon batch; the original batch's scent faded so there's hardly any lemon smell to it. I used kaolin clay in this batch to help the scent 'anchor', but learned after getting the clay and fragrance oil set up to soak overnight that citrus scents are just generally hard to get to anchor, so I guess we'll see what happens! I'm also excited to see how the properties of the clay translate in how the soap works and feels. :wee

In chicken news, we're having a hawk visitor again, but not the same one for sure and... I really don't think it's even interested in the chickens? This one is a Red-Tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis). It keeps landing on a power line across the road from the chicken yard, sitting with its back to the chickens and looking down at the neighbor's horse pasture. I'm pretty sure it's after rabbits or something... but I still shoo it away every time I go out to check on the birds and it's sitting over there, just in case. The girls notice it every time and set off like they're being murdered, so I always know when it's back. šŸ˜©
Another batch of egg soap done today! I tried to do swoopies on the top, but I don't think I let it set long enough for proper swoopies, so they kinda look funky. šŸ¤£ (And yes, 'swoopies' is the proper technical term for it :p )

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This is another lemon batch; the original batch's scent faded so there's hardly any lemon smell to it. I used kaolin clay in this batch to help the scent 'anchor', but learned after getting the clay and fragrance oil set up to soak overnight that citrus scents are just generally hard to get to anchor, so I guess we'll see what happens! I'm also excited to see how the properties of the clay translate in how the soap works and feels. :wee

In chicken news, we're having a hawk visitor again, but not the same one for sure and... I really don't think it's even interested in the chickens? This one is a Red-Tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis). It keeps landing on a power line across the road from the chicken yard, sitting with its back to the chickens and looking down at the neighbor's horse pasture. I'm pretty sure it's after rabbits or something... but I still shoo it away every time I go out to check on the birds and it's sitting over there, just in case. The girls notice it every time and set off like they're being murdered, so I always know when it's back. šŸ˜©
Well, I don't know how he did it, but the red band Chocolate Mottled Orpington boy broke his beak yesterday. It's just the outer layer of it, which has fallen off as of today, so it's not a nasty as it immediately looks, but still must be painful. The poor guy was quiet and didn't eat much yesterday. Today, he's doing better and eating normally again. Hopefully that's that and he'll heal up on his own. :fl

Well, I don't know how he did it, but the red band Chocolate Mottled Orpington boy broke his beak yesterday. It's just the outer layer of it, which has fallen off as of today, so it's not a nasty as it immediately looks, but still must be painful. The poor guy was quiet and didn't eat much yesterday. Today, he's doing better and eating normally again. Hopefully that's that and he'll heal up on his own. :fl

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Poor guy. I had a hen break a beak. It grew back. Hopefully he's not in too much pain.
Yeah, I've seen it happen a few times over the years, though it's usually been just the tip of the beak when it's happened before, and I can't remember anyone going off of food for it. He seems more energetic today and is eating better, so I'm hoping that means any pain he had has subsided, or at least reduced from yesterday. :fl
Well, I don't know how he did it, but the red band Chocolate Mottled Orpington boy broke his beak yesterday. It's just the outer layer of it, which has fallen off as of today, so it's not a nasty as it immediately looks, but still must be painful. The poor guy was quiet and didn't eat much yesterday. Today, he's doing better and eating normally again. Hopefully that's that and he'll heal up on his own. :fl

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Poor boy!
Well, just when I was thinking of buying a membership with the sale going on, apparently someone decided to gift me one as part of the sale! I have no idea who would pick me of all people, but I'm very grateful! šŸ’• Now I can finally get my signature updated without losing my little jumpy chick and links! šŸ˜

A little funny story from this morning. Every morning, when I open the pop door for Gus and the girls, Gus is always worked up because it's first thing in the morning and he's got to get his energy out I guess, so he dances and clucks at me. Every morning, I pick him up and give him a little cuddle, and usually he heads on his way to the other side of the pen after that. Well, this morning he continued to dance around my feet after his morning cuddle as if more excited than usual, when Dandelion hopped through the pop door to see what was going on. I don't know if she was just sick of his crap or angry at him for giving someone else his attention, but she walked over to him briskly, flared her hackles, and looked him right in the eye. As if he knew he was caught in the act of something he shouldn't have been doing, he immediately turned and walked away to the other side of the pen without another sound. šŸ¤£ I guess someone's henpecked!

Also, I took pictures of all the young'uns a couple days ago, just struggling with motivation to crop them and everything... Now that I've mentioned them, I'm hoping I'll feel obligated and get them posted today. :p

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