Pipd's Peeps!

Now THAT's a pip! :wee :jumpy

Baby is out as of about 5:30 EST!! :wee I don't have any pictures because I live-streamed it for some non-chicken-owning friends who had never seen a chick hatch and then I had to run out to close coops, but there will be plenty of pictures come tomorrow when baby's moved to the brooder. :love

EDIT: Nevermind, a picture šŸ˜ I couldn't help myself! I keep going back and forth on whether this is a Khaki or a Fawn... We'll see once she's fluffed.

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Apologies, I've been keeping all the cuteness to myself! Here's a picture overload of baby over the past 24 hours or so :love

This was after waiting for me to finish opening coops and getting food and water to everyone outside so that I could move her to the brooder. Baby was VERY indignant!

Indignant in incubator.jpg

Baby's first power nap under the EcoGlow :love

Ecoglow warm.jpg

I always feel like pictures never do justice to how impossibly tiny these OEGB babies are. They are SO small! šŸ˜

smol and angy.jpg
so smol.jpg

Sleepy peep :love

smol and sleepy.jpg

Figuring out food, or as this picture makes it seem, the mighty crumble hunter stalking her prey... :p

crumble hunter.jpg

Progress in figuring out food. We've found the source of food, but... Now what? šŸ¤”

food dish thonk.jpg

Tiiiiiny widdle baby šŸ˜ šŸ’•

smol peep peep.jpg

Goodness, those little eyes :love

whered ya get those peepers.jpg

"Excuse me, my eyes are over here!" :p

peeper butt.jpg

At this point (this morning), baby had figured out how to eat and was getting into the dish to eat for the most part, but decided to eat from the side this one time. She is too small to reach well, so she was standing on her tippy toes to get to the food from there :love ā¤ļø šŸ˜ šŸ’•
love shower.gif
Way too cute!!

tippy toes.jpg

We're on day 15 for the next set in the staggered hatch and all's looking well with the remaining two eggs as of last night's candling. The day 8 eggs are also going strong, three developing and one clear. Hopefully this baby won't be too lonely while she waits for her siblings :fl

Edited to fix some wording
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Apologies, I've been keeping all the cuteness to myself! Here's a picture overload of baby over the past 24 hours or so :love

This was after waiting for me to finish opening coops and getting food and water to everyone outside. Baby was VERY indignant!

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Baby's first power nap under the EcoGlow :love

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I always feel like pictures never do justice to how impossibly tiny these OEGB babies are. They are SO small! šŸ˜

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Sleepy peep :love

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Figuring out food, or as this picture makes it seem, the mighty crumble hunter stalking her prey... :p

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Progress in figuring out food. We've found the source of food, but... Now what? šŸ¤”

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Tiiiiiny widdle baby šŸ˜ šŸ’•

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Goodness, those little eyes :love

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"Excuse me, my eyes are over here!" :p

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At this point (this morning), baby had figured out how to eat and was getting into the dish to eat for the most part, but decided to eat from the side this one time. She is too small to reach well, so she was standing on her tippy toes to get to the food from there :love ā¤ļø šŸ˜ šŸ’• View attachment 2533472 Way too cute!!

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We're on day 15 for the next set in the staggered hatch and all's looking well with the remaining two eggs as of last night's candling. The day 8 eggs are also going strong, three developing and one clear. Hopefully this baby won't be too lonely while she waits for her siblings :fl
The chick very cute!
Thanks much, y'all! She's been a delight. :love If a bit needy at times. :p

Here's some more pictures, yesterday and today with a few from Wednesday that I took after my last post!

So I live-streamed her hatch for some of my non-chicken-owning friends, and as soon as she hatched, she made a beeline for the back of the incubator where it was hard to get a clear picture of her. Since then, she's apparently gotten over her camera shyness. :gig


Little cutie :love :love

lil cutie.jpg

Making a mess, of course :rolleyes:

messy peep peep.jpg

She'd gotten into the habit yesterday of running out from under the EcoGlow and peeping for my attention, then returning to the warmth as soon as I peeked in at her. :p Little squirt! This is her 'acknowledge me' face.

notice me pls.jpg

Back under the EcoGlow...

under the ecoglow.jpg

...and moments later, fast asleep. :love

power nap.jpg

Today, I cleaned the brooder out a bit (mostly to put all her feed back in the dish, but I got her little poops out of there while I was at it), so this was her glaring at me from under the EcoGlow afterwards. šŸ¤£

angy peep.jpg

She's growing, but still so tiny! šŸ˜

bird in the hand.jpg

What a cutie!! :love šŸ’•

in the food dish.jpg

Nomnomnom :p

nom nom nom.jpg

...And the brooder is already a mess again. :rolleyes:

makin a mess again.jpg
Thanks much, y'all! She's been a delight. :love If a bit needy at times. :p

Here's some more pictures, yesterday and today with a few from Wednesday that I took after my last post!

So I live-streamed her hatch for some of my non-chicken-owning friends, and as soon as she hatched, she made a beeline for the back of the incubator where it was hard to get a clear picture of her. Since then, she's apparently gotten over her camera shyness. :gig

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Little cutie :love :love

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Making a mess, of course :rolleyes:

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She'd gotten into the habit yesterday of running out from under the EcoGlow and peeping for my attention, then returning to the warmth as soon as I peeked in at her. :p Little squirt! This is her 'acknowledge me' face.

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Back under the EcoGlow...

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...and moments later, fast asleep. :love

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Today, I cleaned the brooder out a bit (mostly to put all her feed back in the dish, but I got her little poops out of there while I was at it), so this was her glaring at me from under the EcoGlow afterwards. šŸ¤£

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She's growing, but still so tiny! šŸ˜

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What a cutie!! :love šŸ’•

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Nomnomnom :p

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...And the brooder is already a mess again. :rolleyes:

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She is very sweet!
Two more eggs, P2 and B2, went into lockdown today! :wee P2 looks like it's already starting to draw down, too!! Babies, babies, babies!!

...Man, this staggered hatch stuff is intense
forehead wipe whew.gif

While we wait on them, here's just a few pictures of our first baby today!

...We've discovered scratching, yaaaay! :p

messy peep peep.jpg

My little tech support peeper :love

tech support.jpg

It was movie night with some friends, so beep-beep joined us šŸ˜ (Don't worry, I just had her out of the brooder a few times when she was fussy--she's not a huge fan of A Knight's Tale ;) )

movie time.jpg
movie watcher.jpg

Not too much longer now and she should have some buddies to play with :jumpy :fl :jumpy

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