Pipd's Peeps!

It's been a rainy, windy, miserable day, and to top it off, I didn't get a single egg tonight. :th :barnie

But, I did find this super cool leaf while I was out closing the coops for the night. Neat enough to share. :D

super cool leaf 10-26-19.jpg
Yup, it's definitely looking like fall around here! All that wind and rain took most of the leaves off the trees in our woods! The place looks bare now! :eek: But on the plus side, we get to see the sunset more readily. :) Talk about fall colors!

In other news, Ganymede the White strikes again. :oops: I suppose that evil-eyed glare is what I deserve for bothering her on the perch.

good night ganymede 10-27-19.jpg
It's time to winterize the coop!

That's for sure! It actually was a fairly mild day today, so I probably should have done that while I had the chance, but I was lazy. :oops: :p I did get part of the plastic sheeting up on the deck a few days ago when we were having a lot of cold and wind, so it's started at least! What's your winterizing routine up there?
That's for sure! It actually was a fairly mild day today, so I probably should have done that while I had the chance, but I was lazy. :oops: :p I did get part of the plastic sheeting up on the deck a few days ago when we were having a lot of cold and wind, so it's started at least! What's your winterizing routine up there?

I should have done my winterizing too, but I took a nap! :lol: I did start too at least. Before when I had a large coop, I didn't do anything to winterize because I had enough birds to keep it all warm. This is my first year using a small coop so I'm adding a covered run outside of it so they can still go outside this winter. I'm also creating something to use as a wind break from the North side so the wind won't go directly against the coop. I also always use the deep litter method to add warmth! I usually stay away from heaters for fire safety reasons (plus the moisture caused frostbite one year). The coop I have is probably insulated better than our house so I'm hoping they stay nice and toasty! What does your winterizing look like?
Whoops, sorry, I wandered off to get something to eat. :oops:

Sounds like your girls ought to be nice and cozy! I don't heat my coop, either, and it's also not insulated, though that's probably less necessary down here than it is up where you are! Winterizing for me is mostly just cleaning the old coop bedding out and covering the floor with a nice, thick layer of pine shavings, and getting the windward walls of the deck covered in plastic sheeting. The deck is essentially the covered portion of the run for my girls, since there are so many trees here that covering their entire run is pretty much impossible. It's 16x8 feet with one 8ft wall butted up against the main portion of the coop, so I cover one 16ft wall and the other 8ft wall with plastic sheeting to make an L-shaped wind block. Cuts down the wind without blocking out too much of their ventilation. :) I also like to bag some leaves to put down occasionally for more bedding / enrichment during the wintertime, and I use some of the plastic cat litter buckets that I have for nest boxes to store dust bathing soil from their favorite summertime spots, since they won't be laying much through the winter anyway.

This year may also include preparing an indoor coop for the OEGBs... So far, they seem okay, but we haven't yet gotten as cold as we can, so they still may need intervention. But we'll see on that one... Hopefully not. :fl
Have I mentioned lately that I adore these birds? :love I adore these birds.

Fifi and Altair were foraging together this evening. It was so cute! :love Fifi knew to yield to Altair despite the huge size difference, but Altair was fairly gentle for a higher ranking bird. Only a few swats at Fif' when she got her beard too far into Altair's space. :p It's a zoomed in picture so it's kind of fuzzy, but here they are. Fifi on the left and Altair on the right, obviously. Amazing that Altair is a month older than Fif', isn't it? :eek:

Fifi and Altair foraging 10-30-19.jpg
Have I mentioned lately that I adore these birds? :love I adore these birds.

Fifi and Altair were foraging together this evening. It was so cute! :love Fifi knew to yield to Altair despite the huge size difference, but Altair was fairly gentle for a higher ranking bird. Only a few swats at Fif' when she got her beard too far into Altair's space. :p It's a zoomed in picture so it's kind of fuzzy, but here they are. Fifi on the left and Altair on the right, obviously. Amazing that Altair is a month older than Fif', isn't it? :eek:

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They are doing very well together!
They are! :love I always worry with such tiny bantams that they'll get trampled or something in the big flock, but they're doing exceptionally well! The only trouble they have had has been very minor; Rigel (another tiny OEGB) flirting and attempting to mate them. Honestly, for a cockerel, he's been fairly gentle about it, so I try not to intervene unless they're protesting a lot. Rigel has also done quite well in the flock and even gotten away with flirting with the older hens a few times without being thunked. :p The little squirt!

It's pouring right now, but I did get a little more of my winterizing done! I replenished the dust bath on the deck and filled one of my two dust bath buckets this morning. I could have filled the other one, but I was winded and cold after filling the first one twice (once to replenish the dust bath and the other to store)! So, that can wait. Luckily, the tarped area of the run has kept the soil there very dry, so I have no rush to fill the other bucket until I have to take the tarp down for the snowy season. :yesss:

It's supposed to be sunny and clear tomorrow (if a bit chilly), so I'll finish winterizing then. Just have to clean out the shavings in the coops and replace them, tack up the rest of the plastic sheeting, and fill that other bucket, and we should be set! :fl I'll have to bag leaves a bit later, once we've had a decent dry spell so that they dry out nicely, but that's not a requirement for winter prep, so no pressure on that one.

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