Pipd's Peeps!

My favorites were the dark cornish and the la fleche

The Cornish gals were super gorgeous!
heart eyes.gif
The fine lacing on the BLR's head just had me blown away! I don't think the picture does her justice because she was a beauty!

I feel like the Modern Game bantams stole the show for me, though. I think they and the OEGs do every time. :p I do love my OEGBs, but those Moderns are so gawky and adorable, and they're not shy at all so they're right up in your face while you're looking at them... :love I suppose if the OEGBs can't handle our winters after all, then it wouldn't be that big of a deal to add another breed that doesn't handle cold well here... :oops:
The Cornish gals were super gorgeous! View attachment 1939466 The fine lacing on the BLR's head just had me blown away! I don't think the picture does her justice because she was a beauty!

I feel like the Modern Game bantams stole the show for me, though. I think they and the OEGs do every time. :p I do love my OEGBs, but those Moderns are so gawky and adorable, and they're not shy at all so they're right up in your face while you're looking at them... :love I suppose if the OEGBs can't handle our winters after all, then it wouldn't be that big of a deal to add another breed that doesn't handle cold well here... :oops:
It sounds like you have the cold figured out!
To an extent... I definitely don't want to run a heating device to the coop, because I feel there's too much at stake for me there if anything were to go wrong. We do have a space in the basement that's unfinished and would be perfect for making into a temporary cold weather coop should the need arise, though. Last winter, Winston and Sybil were both molting super late and were really struggling in the cold, but I'm hoping it was the fact that they were molting that caused them issue. :fl I'm keeping watch on all of my tiny OEGBs just in case, but hoping that, with molts finishing now, they'll be okay going into winter.
Today, we finally got to work on one of those projects I mentioned forever ago! :celebrate The coop has a brand new window by the lower dropping tray! The coop has had a problem with being super dark ever since the deck was built off the front. It's also always kind of been lacking in the ventilation department. Now there's loads more light and airflow! I probably wouldn't have needed my flashlight for the eggs tonight if it weren't for Ganymede laying her egg all the way in the back corner under the dropping trays. :tongue No pictures because it's not quite finished yet. Tomorrow, we're picking up the supplies to paint the siding where it was cut and attach a plywood cover so that I can prevent snow and rain from blowing in.

We're also getting the supplies tomorrow to put in another dropping tray so that the kiddos don't have to face the sharp beaks of the older birds to perch inside the coop. They've been sleeping on the OEGB hutch on the deck all this time, so that's a total mess. :sick Hoping to change that from here on out!

Looks like the OEGB coop is going to be postponed until next year. I'm hoping to get the cockerels out of here next week, so the OEGBs can move into the addition for the time being, where they will hopefully be able to stay all winter. :fl It will be nice for them to have ground contact more often, since the darn broodies keep stealing their daytime pen for lack of anywhere else to put them. Yes, I have two broody Silkies in late October! :barnie
Today, we finally got to work on one of those projects I mentioned forever ago! :celebrate The coop has a brand new window by the lower dropping tray! The coop has had a problem with being super dark ever since the deck was built off the front. It's also always kind of been lacking in the ventilation department. Now there's loads more light and airflow! I probably wouldn't have needed my flashlight for the eggs tonight if it weren't for Ganymede laying her egg all the way in the back corner under the dropping trays. :tongue No pictures because it's not quite finished yet. Tomorrow, we're picking up the supplies to paint the siding where it was cut and attach a plywood cover so that I can prevent snow and rain from blowing in.

We're also getting the supplies tomorrow to put in another dropping tray so that the kiddos don't have to face the sharp beaks of the older birds to perch inside the coop. They've been sleeping on the OEGB hutch on the deck all this time, so that's a total mess. :sick Hoping to change that from here on out!

Looks like the OEGB coop is going to be postponed until next year. I'm hoping to get the cockerels out of here next week, so the OEGBs can move into the addition for the time being, where they will hopefully be able to stay all winter. :fl It will be nice for them to have ground contact more often, since the darn broodies keep stealing their daytime pen for lack of anywhere else to put them. Yes, I have two broody Silkies in late October! :barnie
It is good to get new projects going!
Sure is! We're actually about 90% done with both as of tonight! Waiting on caulk and paint to dry for finishing touches, but I put a feed bag down in the new dropping tray so birds could use it tonight. I had to move birds over there to show them it was okay, but they're sleeping there now. :)

I realized too late after all that work that it was picture day for the kids today. Oops! Will have to add that to my agenda tomorrow, along with the finishing touches on the window and filling the new dropping tray with Sweet PDZ for full use. :D
Pictures of the young'uns today! :D Boy, I fudged it up--I forgot to take close up face pictures of most of them. :oops: In my defense, it was pretty chilly out and my fingers were getting cold trying to get the boys to pose properly, so I was pretty well over it by the time I got decent shots of all of them. :p On top of that, I forgot to put their names on their pictures when I was cropping and watermarking.
facepalm head shake.gif
Oops! So their names will be in text above the pictures this time around, I guess!

First, the OEGBs, who are about 7 months old today!

Achernar, my handsome dude! :love


Altair, giving me attitude. :p


Rigel. His face has had those white blotches and that black streak has been on his beak ever since he and Toli duked it out. I'm assuming it's scarring of some kind? :confused:


Toliman, the other fighter. :rant Apparently he got off better as far as scarring?


Vega, with her sweet li'l face :love :love


Now, the Easter-eggers at about 6 months old:

Grumpy-pants Ganymede:


Mona, who actually posed! :eek:


Fifi, who was trying to hide in her beard. :p


Oberon, all by himself because he's a butthead :tongue


Titan, the other butthead, who decided he would only pose in the poop under his perch. :idunno He actually came at me at first when I opened his cage to take this picture. Not a great sign. :hmm


And then there's these two, who I still can't get anywhere near.
facepalm head shake.gif



Puck, out of focus because he wouldn't sit still:


These will likely be the last pictures of those last few boys... Possibly even Oberon. :( I'm sad because he's a handsome guy and I did really want to keep him, but he's been showing aggression toward me ever since I had to remove him from the cockerel flock for being overly aggressive, and from the main flock for being aggressive toward the pullets, so it's not looking good for him. At least it'll be peaceful around here once they're gone.

On the plus side, though the OEGB boys can get a bit excited at times and seem like they're being too forward, they've all calmed down considerably in recent weeks. Rigel's been in the main flock for a month or two now and is proving to be an asset in his keen eyes on the sky. I'm hoping he and his brothers can get along well enough to coexist in the flock together in the next few weeks. :fl Hoping that his fighting with Toli was a one-off and a bit of distance has helped them calm down a bit.
Pictures of the young'uns today! :D Boy, I fudged it up--I forgot to take close up face pictures of most of them. :oops: In my defense, it was pretty chilly out and my fingers were getting cold trying to get the boys to pose properly, so I was pretty well over it by the time I got decent shots of all of them. :p On top of that, I forgot to put their names on their pictures when I was cropping and watermarking. View attachment 1943559 Oops! So their names will be in text above the pictures this time around, I guess!

First, the OEGBs, who are about 7 months old today!

Achernar, my handsome dude! :love

View attachment 1943560

Altair, giving me attitude. :p

View attachment 1943561

Rigel. His face has had those white blotches and that black streak has been on his beak ever since he and Toli duked it out. I'm assuming it's scarring of some kind? :confused:

View attachment 1943568

Toliman, the other fighter. :rant Apparently he got off better as far as scarring?

View attachment 1943570

Vega, with her sweet li'l face :love :love

View attachment 1943571

Now, the Easter-eggers at about 6 months old:

Grumpy-pants Ganymede:

View attachment 1943563

Mona, who actually posed! :eek:

View attachment 1943564

Fifi, who was trying to hide in her beard. :p

View attachment 1943566

Oberon, all by himself because he's a butthead :tongue

View attachment 1943565

Titan, the other butthead, who decided he would only pose in the poop under his perch. :idunno He actually came at me at first when I opened his cage to take this picture. Not a great sign. :hmm

View attachment 1943569

And then there's these two, who I still can't get anywhere near. View attachment 1943559


View attachment 1943562

Puck, out of focus because he wouldn't sit still:

View attachment 1943567

These will likely be the last pictures of those last few boys... Possibly even Oberon. :( I'm sad because he's a handsome guy and I did really want to keep him, but he's been showing aggression toward me ever since I had to remove him from the cockerel flock for being overly aggressive, and from the main flock for being aggressive toward the pullets, so it's not looking good for him. At least it'll be peaceful around here once they're gone.

On the plus side, though the OEGB boys can get a bit excited at times and seem like they're being too forward, they've all calmed down considerably in recent weeks. Rigel's been in the main flock for a month or two now and is proving to be an asset in his keen eyes on the sky. I'm hoping he and his brothers can get along well enough to coexist in the flock together in the next few weeks. :fl Hoping that his fighting with Toli was a one-off and a bit of distance has helped them calm down a bit.
Very nice photos!
I hope they get along too. Flock dynamics can be dicey sometimes

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