Pipd's Peeps!

We lost our Lady Wyandotte overnight. I kind of knew it was coming with the way she's been behaving since she began her molt. She's had enough energy to keep away from me as usual, but has been droopy otherwise. Yesterday, I was able to catch her because she was huddled in the corner of the deck, and she was nothing but skin and bones. :( I brought her in to a hospital pen because it's been chilly here rather abruptly and I was hoping the warmth would help her. She did seem a bit perkier, but refused to eat or drink. She passed at about 4am this morning. She was 9-1/2 years old.

Lady Wyandotte.jpg
We lost our Lady Wyandotte overnight. I kind of knew it was coming with the way she's been behaving since she began her molt. She's had enough energy to keep away from me as usual, but has been droopy otherwise. Yesterday, I was able to catch her because she was huddled in the corner of the deck, and she was nothing but skin and bones. :( I brought her in to a hospital pen because it's been chilly here rather abruptly and I was hoping the warmth would help her. She did seem a bit perkier, but refused to eat or drink. She passed at about 4am this morning. She was 9-1/2 years old.

View attachment 1926116

She was very pretty!
Thank you, Ron. :hugs I'm glad to have your positivity here.

Not sure if it's lingering grief from yesterday's loss, but I'm feeling rather down after some goings on on another thread. I do love this community, it's what's kept me coming back for 8+ years now, but sometimes... there are some personalities here that are so... repellent. I'm just... sad that some people can't act with maturity and move on from topics they disagree with, instead taking others' preferences as personal attacks. I haven't felt so repelled by BYC since I lost my Frou-Frou and needed some time away from here so I wasn't seeing her picture all the time. I'm sure it'll fade by the end of the day, but... I'm just so disappointed. :(
Thank you, Ron. :hugs I'm glad to have your positivity here.

Not sure if it's lingering grief from yesterday's loss, but I'm feeling rather down after some goings on on another thread. I do love this community, it's what's kept me coming back for 8+ years now, but sometimes... there are some personalities here that are so... repellent. I'm just... sad that some people can't act with maturity and move on from topics they disagree with, instead taking others' preferences as personal attacks. I haven't felt so repelled by BYC since I lost my Frou-Frou and needed some time away from here so I wasn't seeing her picture all the time. I'm sure it'll fade by the end of the day, but... I'm just so disappointed. :(
I don't see why the moderator could have just deleted the negative posts:confused:
Hope she didn't dent your lens.

Haha, no worries, the lens is safe! She was actually pecking at these two spots right next to it. :)

I don't see why the moderator could have just deleted the negative posts:confused:

Honestly, I don't blame the moderators for removing the whole thread. It was pretty clear that certain users weren't going to stop until they did. :hmm
Thank you, Ron. :hugs I'm glad to have your positivity here.

Not sure if it's lingering grief from yesterday's loss, but I'm feeling rather down after some goings on on another thread. I do love this community, it's what's kept me coming back for 8+ years now, but sometimes... there are some personalities here that are so... repellent. I'm just... sad that some people can't act with maturity and move on from topics they disagree with, instead taking others' preferences as personal attacks. I haven't felt so repelled by BYC since I lost my Frou-Frou and needed some time away from here so I wasn't seeing her picture all the time. I'm sure it'll fade by the end of the day, but... I'm just so disappointed. :(
Luckily there are very few of the very bad personalities on here. They usually go away eventually either through moderation or not getting what feeds them here.

You will feel better soon!
Luckily there are very few of the very bad personalities on here. They usually go away eventually either through moderation or not getting what feeds them here.

You will feel better soon!

Thanks again. :hugs Yeah, I've just got to learn to step away from threads sooner when I see people like that. It was such a disheartening situation when I really do think it would have been a useful thread with the information that some had provided had some others just backed off. :hmm Oh, well.

Sorry if I made the situation worse:(

Nah, I don't think you did. :hugs You rolled with it a lot better than I did. I definitely got more upset about the whole thing than I should have, but darn, it was so frustrating! :barnie

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