Pipd's Peeps!

I both love and begrudge naming them, truth be told. So much pressure to find just the right title for each of them. :p

Speaking of, I'm pretty sure I'm down to a few top contenders for Brownie. Hopefully I'll have an idea of which I'm going to go with before their next weekly photo shoot. I didn't get much of a chance to test them out on her today because my stomach became upset during their daily lap time and I had to cut it short. :hmm

And on the topic of the weeklies, I realized last night that I totally blanked on the OEGB babies' weekly yesterday! I had gone to the zoo that morning, and then my niece and I walked in the woods in the afternoon, and I was beat by the time I even thought of it. But, they're 7 weeks old as of yesterday! Not much of a change has occurred since the 6-week pictures, so I may let it slide... Or maybe I'll take 7-and-a-half-week pics when I get the EE babies' 4-week pictures on Saturday. :) I do have some pictures from the past few days with the babies outside, but haven't gotten around to cropping them yet. Will post them eventually, I guess. Yeah, I'm still worn out. :th

As for the babies, the only real news I have is that Silver is now at 100% cockerel. His red shoulder patches have started coming in. :barnie Oh, well. Starting to sway more toward the cockerel side on G2, too, whose comb is looking bigger and more colorful these days... Tankie started crowing yesterday, so if there was any doubt there, it's gone now. So, of the younger straight run chicks, all my hope for another pullet sits with B2, who, well, came out of the egg with an awfully big comb to start with... Guess it's a good thing I went ahead and got Ophelia and Brownie just in case, 'cause I didn't have much success adding blue / green eggers to the flock otherwise!

Oh, and one last thing, just a funny I took today with my cell while I was in with the babies. I discovered this 'growth' on Vega's shoulder today... I wonder if I should be concerned. :p

Vega and Altair 5-16-19.jpg

(Not a great picture, I know, but that's Altair sticking her head out through Vega's wing. :rolleyes: She's absolutely obsessed with tucking herself under her sister any time they're cuddling on my lap, silly baby!)
I both love and begrudge naming them, truth be told. So much pressure to find just the right title for each of them. :p

Speaking of, I'm pretty sure I'm down to a few top contenders for Brownie. Hopefully I'll have an idea of which I'm going to go with before their next weekly photo shoot. I didn't get much of a chance to test them out on her today because my stomach became upset during their daily lap time and I had to cut it short. :hmm

And on the topic of the weeklies, I realized last night that I totally blanked on the OEGB babies' weekly yesterday! I had gone to the zoo that morning, and then my niece and I walked in the woods in the afternoon, and I was beat by the time I even thought of it. But, they're 7 weeks old as of yesterday! Not much of a change has occurred since the 6-week pictures, so I may let it slide... Or maybe I'll take 7-and-a-half-week pics when I get the EE babies' 4-week pictures on Saturday. :) I do have some pictures from the past few days with the babies outside, but haven't gotten around to cropping them yet. Will post them eventually, I guess. Yeah, I'm still worn out. :th

As for the babies, the only real news I have is that Silver is now at 100% cockerel. His red shoulder patches have started coming in. :barnie Oh, well. Starting to sway more toward the cockerel side on G2, too, whose comb is looking bigger and more colorful these days... Tankie started crowing yesterday, so if there was any doubt there, it's gone now. So, of the younger straight run chicks, all my hope for another pullet sits with B2, who, well, came out of the egg with an awfully big comb to start with... Guess it's a good thing I went ahead and got Ophelia and Brownie just in case, 'cause I didn't have much success adding blue / green eggers to the flock otherwise!

Oh, and one last thing, just a funny I took today with my cell while I was in with the babies. I discovered this 'growth' on Vega's shoulder today... I wonder if I should be concerned. :p

View attachment 1778533

(Not a great picture, I know, but that's Altair sticking her head out through Vega's wing. :rolleyes: She's absolutely obsessed with tucking herself under her sister any time they're cuddling on my lap, silly baby!)
:gig It's an epidemic!

Picture day! So, I feel a bit like I didn't do enough for this photo shoot, but since the last one in the paper towel studio was so miserable, I decided to try getting their 4-week pictures during their trip outside, and grab some extras while I was at it. Unfortunately, out of all the pictures I took, most of them were washed out from the sunshine. Of what's left, well, it's basically just their weekly pictures that came out well, and no close ups like usual. :hmm I also neglected to get Acher, Toli, and Rigel's pictures because they're separated from the rest of the babies and I guess I just didn't think to do it. So, a bit short on pictures, but here are the weeklies at least! First, the OEGB girls at ~7.5 weeks:

Sweet Vega:


And li'l miss chatterbox, Altair:


And, the Easter-egger babies, at about 4 weeks old:

Silkie mix, B2 (Bluie) :

B2 Bluie.jpg

Cochin mix, G1 (Tank) :

G1 Tank.jpg

Silkie mix, G2 (Greenie) :

G2 Greenie.jpg

Meyer EE, Brownie. I swear, I'm not trying to put off naming her! I just can't decide!! :barnie


Meyer EE, Ophelia!! :love My li'l stinker!


Meyer EE bantam, Poofy Twin:


Meyer EE bantam, Silvery. I may end up calling him Charon. Had another 'click' moment when looking through names for Brownie. That doesn't mean he's a keeper, of course--that depends on his temperament later on. ;)


And that's all that didn't totally wash out. :hmm Oh, well. I'm beat, so I'm turning in. Good night, y'all!
:gig It's an epidemic!

Picture day! So, I feel a bit like I didn't do enough for this photo shoot, but since the last one in the paper towel studio was so miserable, I decided to try getting their 4-week pictures during their trip outside, and grab some extras while I was at it. Unfortunately, out of all the pictures I took, most of them were washed out from the sunshine. Of what's left, well, it's basically just their weekly pictures that came out well, and no close ups like usual. :hmm I also neglected to get Acher, Toli, and Rigel's pictures because they're separated from the rest of the babies and I guess I just didn't think to do it. So, a bit short on pictures, but here are the weeklies at least! First, the OEGB girls at ~7.5 weeks:

Sweet Vega:

View attachment 1781063

And li'l miss chatterbox, Altair:

View attachment 1781054

And, the Easter-egger babies, at about 4 weeks old:

Silkie mix, B2 (Bluie) :

View attachment 1781055

Cochin mix, G1 (Tank) :

View attachment 1781057

Silkie mix, G2 (Greenie) :

View attachment 1781058

Meyer EE, Brownie. I swear, I'm not trying to put off naming her! I just can't decide!! :barnie

View attachment 1781056

Meyer EE, Ophelia!! :love My li'l stinker!

View attachment 1781060

Meyer EE bantam, Poofy Twin:

View attachment 1781061

Meyer EE bantam, Silvery. I may end up calling him Charon. Had another 'click' moment when looking through names for Brownie. That doesn't mean he's a keeper, of course--that depends on his temperament later on. ;)

View attachment 1781062

And that's all that didn't totally wash out. :hmm Oh, well. I'm beat, so I'm turning in. Good night, y'all! View attachment 1781075
They are looking good!
Thanks, Ron. :) Here's more pictures of them! I dusted off the paper towel studio today for the OEGB's 8-week pictures, since they actually cooperate for pictures in it! Here they are!

Acher face.jpg
Altair face.jpg
Rigel face.jpg
Toli face.jpg
Vega face.jpg

8-weeks is my very latest boot-out-to-the-coop date, but these guys are still so tiny that I don't know if I actually can. :eek: I'm pretty sure they'll pop through the chicken yard fence like it's not there, so I had to make some preparations before they can be out there. I set up a small area within the chicken yard that has finer wire at the bottom to prevent them from getting through. So, if the weather will cooperate, the three boys will move out tomorrow. The girls are going to stay with the younger babies until they move out in a few weeks. Those of you who've followed for a while probably know I don't like move-out day, so it may or may not be put off to the last minute. :oops: My room just gets so lonely without babies...

...Of course, there is a simple solution to that problem... :jumpy
super innocent.gif
Thanks, Ron. :) Here's more pictures of them! I dusted off the paper towel studio today for the OEGB's 8-week pictures, since they actually cooperate for pictures in it! Here they are!

View attachment 1786097 View attachment 1786096 View attachment 1786099 View attachment 1786098 View attachment 1786101 View attachment 1786100 View attachment 1786103 View attachment 1786102 View attachment 1786106 View attachment 1786105

8-weeks is my very latest boot-out-to-the-coop date, but these guys are still so tiny that I don't know if I actually can. :eek: I'm pretty sure they'll pop through the chicken yard fence like it's not there, so I had to make some preparations before they can be out there. I set up a small area within the chicken yard that has finer wire at the bottom to prevent them from getting through. So, if the weather will cooperate, the three boys will move out tomorrow. The girls are going to stay with the younger babies until they move out in a few weeks. Those of you who've followed for a while probably know I don't like move-out day, so it may or may not be put off to the last minute. :oops: My room just gets so lonely without babies...

...Of course, there is a simple solution to that problem... :jumpy View attachment 1786116
The are getting nice feathers!

I know the feeling. I moved the 3 week old quail out to the garage on Monday. It is a lot different in the bedroom now for sure.
Aw, yeah, it's a definite change from having them in the bedroom brooder to moving them outside. I miss the proximity, though in the grand scheme the only thing it really changes is their ability to wake me up early. I guess that's not such a bad thing... :p

Anyway, we have three very confused young men out in the coop tonight. They're safe and sound in a pen on top of their parents' hutch in the coop, and none too happy about it. They don't understand, but I'm sure they'll get used to it. :) Poor boys!

Boys move out 5-23-19.jpg
Aw, yeah, it's a definite change from having them in the bedroom brooder to moving them outside. I miss the proximity, though in the grand scheme the only thing it really changes is their ability to wake me up early. I guess that's not such a bad thing... :p

Anyway, we have three very confused young men out in the coop tonight. They're safe and sound in a pen on top of their parents' hutch in the coop, and none too happy about it. They don't understand, but I'm sure they'll get used to it. :) Poor boys!

View attachment 1787237
Nice! They will adjust but they do look miffed at you
I both love and begrudge naming them, truth be told. So much pressure to find just the right title for each of them. :p

Speaking of, I'm pretty sure I'm down to a few top contenders for Brownie. Hopefully I'll have an idea of which I'm going to go with before their next weekly photo shoot. I didn't get much of a chance to test them out on her today because my stomach became upset during their daily lap time and I had to cut it short. :hmm

And on the topic of the weeklies, I realized last night that I totally blanked on the OEGB babies' weekly yesterday! I had gone to the zoo that morning, and then my niece and I walked in the woods in the afternoon, and I was beat by the time I even thought of it. But, they're 7 weeks old as of yesterday! Not much of a change has occurred since the 6-week pictures, so I may let it slide... Or maybe I'll take 7-and-a-half-week pics when I get the EE babies' 4-week pictures on Saturday. :) I do have some pictures from the past few days with the babies outside, but haven't gotten around to cropping them yet. Will post them eventually, I guess. Yeah, I'm still worn out. :th

As for the babies, the only real news I have is that Silver is now at 100% cockerel. His red shoulder patches have started coming in. :barnie Oh, well. Starting to sway more toward the cockerel side on G2, too, whose comb is looking bigger and more colorful these days... Tankie started crowing yesterday, so if there was any doubt there, it's gone now. So, of the younger straight run chicks, all my hope for another pullet sits with B2, who, well, came out of the egg with an awfully big comb to start with... Guess it's a good thing I went ahead and got Ophelia and Brownie just in case, 'cause I didn't have much success adding blue / green eggers to the flock otherwise!

Oh, and one last thing, just a funny I took today with my cell while I was in with the babies. I discovered this 'growth' on Vega's shoulder today... I wonder if I should be concerned. :p

View attachment 1778533

(Not a great picture, I know, but that's Altair sticking her head out through Vega's wing. :rolleyes: She's absolutely obsessed with tucking herself under her sister any time they're cuddling on my lap, silly baby!)
Its cute!!

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