Pipd's Peeps!

My ducks usually rush out of their coop every morning. This morning they were like - nope. This is their first time with snow too.
I just saw your post in the scavenger hunt. I picked up these two EEs Wed. The person I got them from didn't know what breed they were. Called the black one "ugly" and thought the other was a cream legbar. :gig
When I got a hold of the black one (who might be either Matilda or Willow haven't decided yet), I said, "You're not ugly". :)
Some people! :tongue :smack Well, they're both beautiful! The black and white one is quite similar to Endymion, though Dym-Dym has a bit more lacing on her front! That's one of my favorite things about EEs, that you rarely have two identical specimens--there's usually at least a slight difference between them all. :D I love both of the names you're considering for her, too! :love
It's been too cold overnight for Tessa, as naked as she is, so she's bunking in the brooder I never got around to taking down. :oops: It did get a bit warmer yesterday, so I took her back out for the day. The fun part was when she darted past me out of the brooder and I had to chase her around the room and corner her to catch her. :th Anyway, the high today is 39, so I guess she's in for now. :hmm

Scenes of horror from this morning. What I first saw out my window. :hit

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This was all the 2018 babies' first time seeing snow. The Marans had no problems at all, but the younger girls... They were a bit worried. :p

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Myrna observed it veeeery closely...

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Bryony tried to do the same, but was quite concerned.

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Sylvie was just accusing. "How could you do this to us?!" :rolleyes:

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Vira and Roxy just kind of rolled with it. Here's Vira gaining more speckles. :p

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The two young Dorkings were very unsure. They sought out shelter in the rooster pens, but alas, there's no way through!

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So, instead, Kita just hid in the coop under the hutch.

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Myrna seems less dramatic about it than her sister, even peeking outside again... :love

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And Ida never once came out of the coop. :p This is a terrible picture, but a lot of the hens were in agreement with Ida. There are several more in the back that you can't see because of how dark the camera made the coop look. :hmm

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It looks like it's mostly melted off now, so I'm sure they've gotten over their hesitance and come out of the coop by now. :) Good thing I got the plastic sheeting up when I did!
Dorkings are so quirky!
I just got home from the Ohio Nationals! And I took a ton of pictures this time!! :D I was good and didn't bring anything home (well, actually, I did look, but there wasn't anything I was interested in :oops: ). I'm going to take a quick shower and then I'll start getting those pictures posted! :celebrate
I'm going to post these as thumbnails, so click them to view them closer. :)

Modern Game Bantams. They are way too cute. :love Most of them wanted to peck at me or my phone while I was taking pictures! Not in a mean way, more out of curiosity. This is a hen (I can't remember if she was Black Breasted Red or Gold Duckwing?) and a White rooster:

Modern Game hen.jpg White Modern Game bantam rooster.jpg

I could not get over this Birchen hen's eyes! All of the other Birchens had dark brown eyes, but she had these lovely orange-brown eyes! :love

Birchen Modern Game bantam hen eyes.jpg Birchen Modern Game bantam hen severe.jpg

OEGBs--I couldn't resist :love :love In order, this is a Blue Brassy Back hen, Blue hen, Blue Silver hen, two different Blue Wheaten hens, and a Brassy Back rooster (his face was so funny!!)

Blue Brassy Back OEGB hen.jpg Blue OEGB hen.jpg Blue Silver OEGB hen.jpg Blue Wheaten OEGB hen 2.jpg Blue Wheaten OEGB hen.jpg Brassy Back OEGB rooster.jpg

I didn't take many pictures of d'Uccles, but I absolutely fell in love with one of the colors there, a Silver Mille Fleur. :drool I also grabbed a shot of a Gold Neck hiding her face in her food dish. :p

Silver Mille Fleur Duccle hen.jpg Gold Neck Duccle hen.jpg

Call Ducks! :D I took pictures of the prettiest. First is an Appleyard hen who would not pull her bill out of her feathers for a better picture, then a Pied Gray drake, and the last two are of the same Snowy drake because he was a real charmer. :love

Appleyard Call duck.jpg Pied Gray Call drake.jpg Snowy Call drake.jpg Snowy Call drake face.jpg

The rest are just miscellaneous breeds and such, so I'll do them individually. :) This is an Ayam Cemani hen that thought the lens of my cell phone camera was super shiny.

Ayam Cemani hen.jpg

A Black Cochin rooster that puts the LARGE in large fowl! :eek:

Black Cochin rooster lf.jpg

Oops, I guess there is a repeated breed. This is a large fowl frizzled Blue Cochin hen :love

Blue Frizzle Cochin hen lf.jpg

A Blue Light Brahma! Never heard of this variety, but she was gorgeous! I don't know what was up with her eye, though. :hmm

Blue Light Brahma.jpg

A Blue Sumatra hen :love That lacing!

Blue Sumatra hen.jpg

A Buff Brahma hen getting into a dust bath. :lol: Because what else is there to do in these show cages? (Err, oops, yet another repeat breed :oops: )

Buff Brahma hen dust bathing.jpg

I was so excited that they had some Colored Dorkings there!! Their color didn't come out very well in pictures, though, because there was a light right above them. :hmm But here is a Colored Dorking cockerel:

Colored Dorking cockerel.jpg

Red Shouldered Yokohama rooster, because he was handsome and he posed. :love

red shoulder Yokohama.jpg

And finally, THIS GUY! I did NOT know there were frizzled Salmon Faverolles bantams! His BEARD is frizziled! :eek: Look at him!!

Salmon Faverolles frizzle rooster.jpg Salmon Faverolles frizzle rooster beard.jpg

I also ran into @fishnet1971 there (not sure if she still gets on BYC or not). :frow Good to meet you!! :D

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