Pipd's Peeps!

Looks like Egg α is up next! I just checked on them, and the pip on it has suddenly gotten larger! It was roughly 5 hours from this stage to hatching on Baby A, so fingers crossed there will be another baby tonight!! :D

In other news, Baby A is drying off now, and she's black. :confused: I know beyond a doubt that Donna and Roscoe, who are both red, are the parents, so where did this little munchkin come from? :lol: Ain't genetics neat? I'll *probably* get better pictures of her tomorrow, hopefully after moving her to the brooder. It all depends on how the other eggs are progressing toward hatching.

This baby is so cute!! :love I don't know if it's just because it's been almost a year since the last chicks I had, but I can't get over how adorable she is! Every time I check on the eggs, she sits right up and looks around. :love :love Can't wait to get her out of there so I can snuggle her and get her nice and spoiled!

As a side note, it occurred to me that I immediately went to 'he / him' with this baby, but I'd much rather it be a girl, so I'm trying to train myself to switch to 'she / her'. Then again, I don't want to jinx it, haha... Let's just call it Baby A and stick with that. :p
I just woke up to peeping in the incubator--Egg α is hatched and mostly dry, Egg L just hatched (and woke me up with all its noise!), and Egg 1 is now pipping!! :love :jumpy Will update again in a few hours once I've gotten more sleep!!
Good morning! I have three babies and one on the way still!! This morning, I quickly threw a wet paper towel over Egg 1 so that I could get the hatched and dried babies out of the incubator and wet the sponges down again. I know you're not supposed to open the incubator when there are babies hatching, but it went smoothly, and Egg 1 is wiggling away still, so I think it went fine. :) No signs yet from Egg Ω, but it's a day behind, so I'm trying to be patient.

Here are a couple crappy pictures from my cell phone. I'll get my good camera out and get some pictures a little later. First up is Baby A, who is now dry. She's now brown, and looks very much like a Partridge Cochin chick. Where in the world did that come from? :lol:


Baby α, who I have taken to calling 'Alphie', is a light reddish color, just a hint darker than this picture shows. This is more what I was expecting them all to look like, but no complaints here--at least I can tell them all apart so far! Alphie is such a sweetie already and crawls into my hand whenever I put it under the EcoGlow with them. :love


Baby L, or 'Lucky', is also a darker color than I expected, but not as dark as Baby A. I left Lucky in the Incubator to dry a bit more. I also figured all the peeping this little guy was doing would help to hurry up the other two eggs! Seems to be working so far on Egg 1. :D


Lucky, by the way, didn't think it was fair that he had to stay in the incubator when the others could come out. He keeps giving me this look through the window on the incubator. Such an attitude already, just like his mother!

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Congrats on the new babies.
Their so cute I would love to hold them all. I can't wait to see what the color the 4th one is. Let us know. Thanks so much for sharing the pics I want some chicks now. lol
The fourth baby (from Egg 1) is out as of about a half hour ago! He's still wet, but looks to be the same color as Alphie. :love His feet look a little bit twisty, though, so I might have to make him some little shoes to make sure those toes straighten out.

And Egg Ω FINALLY pipped! Hopefully we'll see baby number 5 soon, too!! :fl :jumpy
I got more pictures! I took my good camera up to try and take pictures, but it just will not focus through the window on the incubator, so I grabbed a couple pictures of Baby 1 ( 'Onesie' ) with my cell phone. Now that he's up and around a bit, his feet are looking better, so hopefully he won't have problems with twisty toes. :fl



And since I couldn't take pictures of the ones in the incubator with the good camera, I took pictures of the two babies in the brooder. :love Here's 'Onesie's twin, Alphie! Such attitude!



And Baby A! :love Her head is all flat from being under the EcoGlow!



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