Pipd's Peeps!

Oh boy I can't wait for you to get the babies. You would think I am the one getting the babies. I wish.
I'll be waiting to see how their doing and hopeing for lots of pics of them.

Have a safe trip and let me know when you get back.
Babies on board! This is the best I could do for pictures with my cell phone. Squirmy little babies!


Looks like out of the three BBS chicks, I got a black Cochin, either a splash or a light blue Cochin, and a blue Ameraucana! :D Oh, and something special hopped in the box, too! ;) Will post pictures when I get home!

Editing to add, Mom needed a rest stop, so here's some better pics while we're parked :D


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Babies on board! This is the best I could do for pictures with my cell phone. Squirmy little babies!


Looks like out of the three BBS chicks, I got a black Cochin, either a splash or a light blue Cochin, and a blue Ameraucana! :D Oh, and something special hopped in the box, too! ;) Will post pictures when I get home!

Editing to add, Mom needed a rest stop, so here's some better pics while we're parked :D



Pipd,tose r so cute. :love
Their precious. I love all the pics.
I knew you would get an extra. What did you get? Thanks for sharing the babies.
Sorry for the delay, y'all! We got home about 3 hours ago. All's looking well thus far. I spent much of that time getting them settled in and showing them the water. They spent a long time resting under the EcoGlow, so I couldn't get pictures, boo! But don't worry, I was patient and I finally got them all! :D Here we are!

My 3 new Dorkings! I haven't yet determined which is the boy, but I think, based on how fuzzy and thin the eye lines are on him, that the one with the red leg band is our young man. I'm going to wait to be sure before I give them their names, but the boy will be Don and the girls will be Lydda and Callette.




The BBS Cochins! The black one is Cazak (Cazzie for short) and the lighter one (who may be splash or light blue, I'm not sure) is Flurian (Flury for short).



The BBS Ameraucana! I believe she is light blue, as she's a little bit darker than Flury in person. I love her cheeks! :love Her name is Isodel, Izzy for short.


The Easter-egger! This little lady has the floofiest face I have ever seen!! :love Her name is Endymion.


The Light Brahma! She is SOOO BIG!! And she has the tiniest beak! Her name is Umru.


These names are all from one of my favorite books, Year of the Griffin, and its predecessor, The Dark Lord of Derkholm, both by Diana Wynne Jones. Don, Lydda, and Callette are griffins and the siblings of Elda and Kit, the names of my other Dorkings. Cazak and Flurian are two more griffins, these from the continent across the sea. Isodel is the princess of Luteria, and her loyal dragon's name is Endymion. Umru is a high priest and a giant of a man, making his name REALLY fitting for that Brahma baby.

As for the special little surprise... She's a Lavender Orpington!! I got the call on the way that the chicks were ready, and I thought that it was a long shot but went ahead and asked if they had any of these gals extra. To my surprise, they did! Yay!! I don't have a name for her yet, but I have a few in mind! :D


A few more pictures! This is what I was dealing with trying to get pictures of all of them. :p


But they're awfully cute when they crash... :love


This picture shows how BIG Umru is!! That's Isodel next to her. She's all fluff, though, she's not actually that much larger than the rest. :D


Speaking of Izzy, I was trying to get a good picture of her cute little cheeks, and she did not approve. :rolleyes:


Here's Flury and Cazzie together. These two are such stinkers!!


The little Lavender Orp, sleeping under my hand. :love


And (mostly) everyone out and about. It took some convincing, but they've finally figured out water. Umru seemed to know right what to do with the food, though! :lol: Hopefully she shows everyone else what it's for. :)

Love at first sight. They are beautiful. I will have to look up the dorkings I don't think I've ever heard of them before. You are so lucky to find the lavender orp they are gorgeous. Are your cochins bantam or regular size? The brahma is going to be huge. Every since I've read the story of brahmalot I have fell in love with those chickens. The easter egger looks like a chip monk with that coloring and cheeks. I can't wait to see the Americana's cheeks grow. I love those little tuffs on the sides of their faces. You really picked out some cuties. Thank you so much for sharing the pics with us. I wish I could hold them all.
I just looked up the pictures of the dorking chickens. I've seen them before and when I saw the short legs I remembered them. Those are going to be halarious to watch walking around your yard. Big chickens with little short legs.

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