Pipd's Peeps!

Oh how funny! Poor Tilde!
Mine have yet to lay their eggs outside the coop, I hope they never do!
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That's a cute pic of all the hens in the nesting box. Mine don't get in they just stand outside and I'm sure they tell the one inside to hurry up they've got to go. I have found chicken eggs in the duck house before.
Georgie laid an egg! :ya Georgie laid an egg! :ya Georgie laid an egg!!

That brings us up to 3 hens for sure laying, possibly 4! YAY, HAPPY EGGS!! I also got another Margie egg today! Hopefully it didn't get too cold to incubate. I marked it as such, though, so if I get plenty, I'll probably just not put that one under her.

Oh how funny!  Poor Tilde!:lau  Mine have yet to lay their eggs outside the coop, I hope they never do!

Yeah, I had no problems for years with that, and then one of my Barred Rocks decided to wander with her eggs. :rolleyes: I've only had a couple since then, thank goodness, but I'm not holding my breath on never seeing it happen again. After all, it was only a couple years ago when Ihi was sneaking out to the road to lay her eggs in the ditch! :th Crazy bird!!

Mine don't get in they just stand outside and I'm sure they tell the one inside to hurry up they've got to go.  

Haha, I can just picture that! :lol:

Edited to tame down the smiley abuse!
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I realized last night that I forgot to post this in the past few posts, but then I recounted and realized that today would be a better day to post. :D So, looking beyond Broody Watch 2016 to the expected additions later in the year, we now have exactly

:weee :celebrate 100 days :jumpy :ya :yesss:

until the ordered chickies arrive!! And if anyone wondered, yes, they are all already named. :D
I realized last night that I forgot to post this in the past few posts, but then I recounted and realized that today would be a better day to post.
So, looking beyond Broody Watch 2016 to the expected additions later in the year, we now have exactly

100 days

until the ordered chickies arrive!! And if anyone wondered, yes, they are all already named.
The chick days are nearing again!

What names do you have planned if you don't mind me asking?
Hm, hm, I usually prefer to reveal names a little closer to their hatch, but... I suppose I could share some. :p This year's order is a 'themed name' clutch, something I try to do about every other time I get chicks (as in, the last order of chicks with Elda and friends was not themed, but the chicks in the order before that with Rangi and crew was themed, etc.). Anyway, for this year's theme, I've decided upon naming all the babies after characters from one of my favorite books, Year of the Griffin.

My Dorkings, Elda and my late Kit, were named after two griffin siblings in that book. Elda actually is the main character, which is kind of amazing considering how she grew into that name. :lol: Back to the point, to go along with those names, I've named the three Dorkings in this year's order after the remaining griffin siblings from that book. So the young cockerel will be named Don, and the two pullets will be Lydda and Callette. I will sadly never have a complete griffin family now that Kit is no longer with us, but there are other griffins in the book whose names may or may not have been chosen for other chicks, so I should have a pretty decent 'griffin pride' either way. :)

Oooh, now that I think about it, I could give this year's chicks the group name, the Griffin Pride! :D

:oops: Aaanyway, with that terribly silly thought put out there, I've gotta get to bed--I have a genetics test in the morning. :sick

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UGH, I have been sick more in the past few weeks than I have been in years! Monday, literally just after finishing my Genetics exam, I started feeling feverish and dizzy, and I've been pretty much bedridden until today. I say again, UGH! So my poor girls have been a little bit neglected over the past few days, no hugs or lap time or gossiping with me, but they have somehow survived without all that, poor babies. :rolleyes: You don't really get days off when you have animals relying on you, so I did get out there and make sure they had food and water every day and were closed in safely every night, thanks to my mom for coming with and helping out. I'm taking today off of class just as one last day of rest, but I have to go tomorrow because tomorrow is Genetics lab, and they absolutely will not let you make up a genetics lab. I can't afford to miss any points for that, so I'm hoping today's rest will have me ready for it!

But anyway, on to the important stuff, the girls! :D They are 'snowed in' today by about an inch of snow, so I'm hearing a lot of attitudes over the baby monitor. :lol: I guess they already have cabin fever?

I'm up to 6 Margaret eggs, only 2 of which got cold, so I have at least 4 with good chances of surviving!! Margie was on the nest last night, but she's out and about today, so she's not quite broody yet. Only a matter of time... If she's broody between this weekend and next, then the hatch date should fall in my Spring Break, so fingers crossed on that! :fl

I'm also up to at least 4 hens laying now! I know that Ihi, Georgette, and Margie are laying, and I'm pretty sure the last one is one of the Wyandottes, but I haven't been out there enough to tell which one it is. Still, YAY EGGS!! (Have I been saying that a lot? :oops: )

Only other thing I can think of to mention is that Rangi, who was the near-victim of the hawk a few weeks ago, already has pins growing in where she was plucked! I was expecting her to be bald all summer!

We'll see how things go, but hopefully, HOPEFULLY, I will actually be well enough by this weekend to get some fresh pictures of the girls like I've been promising!

Oh, and as a final note, 96 days until the ordered chicks arrive. ;)

Edited to tame down the major smiley abuse!
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I hope you get to feeling better real soon. It seems like everyone here has a cough and runny nose. I think it's these temps going up and down that is making everyone sick. I'm glad your mom was able to help you with the chickens.

Any other time Margret would have been broody by now. Now that your waiting for her to go broody she's not.

Good luck on your test and I hope you feel better.

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