Pipd's Peeps!

Those seem like some nice chickies!
I love Cochins and Amerucanas!
Yes, I'm so excited, for both of them!! Feeling just a little bit of that regret now for the money spent on the Ameraucana, but I think it'll be worthwhile! :D Owning Easter-eggers has put Ameraucanas on my list, so I can't wait to own one at last! If they're anything as entertaining as the EEs, it'll be worth it, I think.

None of these are new pictures, but since they're the topic at hand, here's a bit of Easter-egger goofiness. In order, this is Merlin, Cressida (with Merl in the background), Mako (being floofy-poofy), Wynne, and the grump at the end is Maggie.






Sigh, just 5 of my bearded ladies left... Well, until next year! :celebrate My goodness, so much to look forward to!

Continuing on the positive train, I've been giving Elda just a bit of grit every once in a while over the past day or two. She's been eating a bit more, still scratching around her pen and making a mess of my room, and seems... Okay. :fl I'm keeping a close eye on her. I think her visit with her flock gave her a boost in spirit, but I'm hoping she's really on the upswing at this point. I don't know how much more of this flip-flopping I can take!

And as for other flock news, well... Marge is brooding. :barnie As if no one could see that coming.
Yes!! They are such loves! :love

I never noticed Merl's horns before! My mom always calls it her Farrah hair. :lol: I guess I can see that.


And Wynne's eyes, I love them, too. She and Mako are very similar in appearance, but those eyes are the distinguishing feature. Wynne has those light eyes and Mako has super dark eyes:


Well, and Wynne has the W-shaped tail:

AANYWAY! I finally got around to taking fresh pictures today! :D I went out to let Elly visit the flock again and get better pictures of the Dorkings together, but they were being uncooperative, so I just took a bunch'a random pictures of the flock.

Elly is doing well still, by the way! She's active and was happy to get some scratching time in! :D Her molt has also started up again. She was kind of pinny and molty when I brought her in, but they weren't really growing in until within the past few days or so.


You can tell she has lost some weight since before all that happened, though. First picture is skinny Elly and second picture is roundy Kit. (Look how fabulous Kit-kit looks, though!)



Speaking of fabulous, here's Ihi the crazy Campine!


...Who apparently is very concerned with whatever she stepped in... :rolleyes:



She gave me the innocent look a little later once she was up to roost. I'm not falling for it--I know you're crazy!


I don't think Merlin and Wynne were wanting pictures taken tonight... Call it a hunch.



Skua is the next to head into molt, poor gal. I think she's among the last, however. :fl


Here's Tilde laying on the grump face from the wrong perch. "Don't you dare move me!" Sorry, dear, I must...


Tiwhiri is also in the wrong place to perch, and she also makes heavy use of the innocent look. "Who, me?"


And Kate is in the rafters... But the Easter-eggers and bantams sleep there, so she'll be fine, I guess. :rolleyes:


And then there's Marama, miss attitude. She's looking so good right now! I can still feel something in her side, but I'm not sure anymore what it is. :confused:


"You are touching me, human. Why are you touching me?"


Everyone prepare their shocked looks--here's where I found Marge while taking pictures tonight!


Iddy Biddy, being patient while waiting for her place on the roosts. As a side note, I have no idea how they get so much dirt on the walls!!


And finally, Reuben. "Rooster? There's no rooster here..."


"No rooster at all. Nope, none..."


And with that, I really ought to be off to bed. Two more days of lecture, and then it's time to focus on the finals! Good night, everyone! :frow
It's done! :) My grades should all be in by tomorrow! I know right now that I have at least 2 As and I think a high B, but that one isn't submitted officially yet. The semester went really well in spite of everything! :celebrate

The girls are enjoying the unusually mild December we've been having right now! Seriously, we've had just a couple days below freezing recently and the rest of the time it's been in the 40's and 50's! They're also a bunch of slackers, my girls, and none of them have laid since Marge went broody a couple weeks ago. URGH! Mom and I were able to find pasture-raised farm eggs to substitute, but I hate that we have to buy eggs for anything! Lazy girls! :tongue

On a related note, everyone is finishing up their molts and looking beautiful! It's a nasty, dreary, rainy day today, so I'll probably not be taking pictures today. However, this week for sure! After all, I have nothing better to do with myself now that the semester is over. :D (I'm a horribly lazy human being. :oops: )

As for my Elda, she is going outside every day to free range thanks to the mild temperatures, but I'm still very worried about her condition. She pecks and scratches with the flock, and other than looking a bit thin next to her sister she doesn't act or appear ill in any way. She's lost a lot of weight, though, and is feeling pretty skinny now. Things are passing through her system, but it's just not enough. We're going to start feeding her to make sure she has lots of good food in her crop overnight with the hopes that she can start picking up some weight. :fl Come on, Elly!

Hope everyone is having a nice holiday season! :frow
Almost forgot to upload these! After a few days of ugly, rainy weather, we finally had a sunny and clear day today for picture taking! :) We're still pretty deep in mud in some spots, but the girls were perfectly photogenic in spite of it! Of course, who would expect any less?

Even with all the rain, the first thing they all did when I opened the coop was hurry out to drink. This is, heading around the bucket from left to right, Elda, Raven, Merlin, Mako, and Roha.


I mentioned a while back that Raven Wyandotte was going dark with her molt. Well, she's all finished, and now it's apparent that she went dark in her shoulders and light in her hackles. This was the best picture I could do because Raven is a lady and takes pictures on HER time, not mine. :rolleyes:


Oh, and Roha was being a real witch the whole time I was taking pictures. Here is her angry pose, shoulder up and tail fanned, because I was giving my attention to someone else:


And while Roha was being Roha, I had two stalkers who thought they deserved my lap every time I crouched to take a picture. Freema, I'm used to that from, but Debra Jo got in on it, too!


Innocent looks. Don't trust the innocent looks. ESPECIALLY if they come from Barred Rocks! (Freema is on the left and Debra Jo is on the right, if anyone wondered.)


Freema doesn't take as nice of a cuddle picture as Elda does. Here's Freema. :lol:


Elly cuddles. :love She is doing pretty well being out with the flock, but still needs to gain some weight! :rant


I can't get over how fabulous Kit looks, though, being out of her molt! :love She's so gorgeous!


Large hen, tiny vine. :lol: Not sure why Kit chose this spot to sit.


It's much more suited to iddy biddy Sebright bannies. :love Frannie and Scooter:


And Iddy Biddy looks dignified no matter what she perches on.


Moving on, here's Georgette the Marans looking shiny in the sun:


Huka looking confused..? :lol:


Marama says take that camera and get outta here!


Tiwhiri is also looking stunning after her molt! I took so many pictures of her and couldn't decide which I liked best, so here's my favorite few:



This bird is just too gorgeous! Makes up for her being so flighty and skitterish, I suppose. It's a Leghorn thing. :confused:


And finally, young Poppy, who looks like she's sporting a mohawk at the moment. :lol: Her comb really shrank down with her molt!


It takes a lot of work to maintain this kind of beauty!


Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and happiest of holidays to everyone else! :)
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I seemed to have missed one of your posts while I was sick. Nice to hear your semester is over! Hope you have a relaxed break with you'd family and chickies. Have a wonderful holiday!

Sorry to hear you've been sick! Yep, semester's over and the break is just not long enough. :lol: I believe it ends on the 11th.

Same to you! :)

Speaking of the break, though, I've been looking at my 100 Pictures of my Flock project a lot this break, and I possibly have a checklist set for 2016, just debating whether or not I'll have the time for it. I believe I figured out why I've been failing at it in past attempts, so I fixed that. I think I just made each category too specific and it became more of an, 'I have to find this,' type of thing than an, 'oh, I happened to get something for that today' type of thing, which is more what I intended it to be. So instead of detailed categories like 'hens enjoying holiday leftovers', I limited myself to one word for each, save for like four that couldn't be shortened (for example, 'free-range' and 'stink-eye' ). The point is, I don't know if I will do it again next year (I have, what, 5 days to decide?), but I think I have a better chance at it if I do decide to. :D

OH, OH, OH!! And we actually got an egg today!! :celebrate Margie's gone back into lay! Too bad, knowing her, she'll be broody again in a week. :rolleyes:

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