Pipd's Peeps!

You really can't go wrong. Whatever you decide is probably going to turn out.

At least you aren't in the same situation I'm in! My EE I got from a pullet bin just started crowing at 13 weeks and that's started my Silkie hen who lays eggs and even squats crowing!
The wouldn't be a problem except that I live in town. *sigh*

Hope you are happy with whatever you decide to do!

Aw, that stinks! I have a couple hens that crow, too, although we luckily live in an area that that doesn't matter so much. My Sebright, Rosie, crows after almost every egg she lays instead of singing the egg song! :rolleyes: Hope you can get your Silkie to remember she's a girl! :lol:

I'm stuck now.
Someone near where I live has 2 3 month old white call ducks. the genders are unknown. 
If I had the money I would have both of them.
But my quarantine currently has my younger group of chicks in it.
And I don't have anything for ducks and I have a ton of birds anyway.

I hate when this happens, so close yet so far away :barnie

Good luck making your mind up on that hen, if it was me I'd fine a way to have her :D  

Ah, the temptation! :D Don't mind the pages of duck cuteness here while you're thinking about these little duckies for sale. :oops:

I do actually think I've made up my mind in regards to the hen, but I wanted to ask a few more questions about her before I fully decide. Just waiting on a response from her owner. :)

I don't actually quarantine... Tried it but my chickens found the quarantine in my garage easily. LOL

Oh, this makes me cringe... Don't you have anywhere else you can quarantine? :/ It's especially important now with the HPAI outbreak going on that birds be fully quarantined for at least 21 days...
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I also went to the Zoo Tuesday and in their little petting zoo part there was two white call ducks, so tiny!
I'm not sure my parents would be very pleased though
Although your Calls are beautiful, I love the coloring

Be sure to give us pictures of this fine hen
Even if you don't get her, the coloring sounds very interesting.
Also looking at pictures of butterscotch call ducks, I'm thinking little Crashie is a girl judging by the stripes on his face. 

Really? Hm, I didn't know that could be used to determine their sex!

I thoroughly agree Crashie is a girl :) Good luck deciding about the SFH, that's a tough call.

Gosh, I hope you both are right! Not that it will really matter either way, although it would save us some building if he is a girl! :)

Still waiting on a response in regards to the SFH. It always gives me an uneasy feeling when a person has been online but hasn't responded to a message. Makes me wonder whether I said something to offend... :oops: I didn't mean to, I swear!

Not that I'm impatient about it or anything, just my brain making me paranoid as usual...

Crashie is so cute! I love watching your babies grow up and hearing about their antics!

Aw, thanks! They provide the cuteness, I just happen to catch it in pictures. ;)

I'm mentally preparing at the moment to sacrifice myself to the mosquito swarm. Crash is 6 weeks old today and I think he's long overdue for a trip outside. I had hoped we would have a nice stretch of dry days before now, the kind that would kill off the bugs and dry up the ground, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards, so... Here we are. :/

Set up a blood transfusion, I'm heading out! Will post pictures when we're back in!
The mosquitoes... :th

But I stuck with it as long as I could, and me and Crash had some time in the grass! :D

Getting him out there was amusing. He was terrified of the carrier. I decided to go that route because I knew he would freak out and I didn't want to risk dropping him and hurting him or not being able to catch him or something. He stood there for a long while as if thinking about it...


...And then carefully waddled out and pressed himself against my leg. :lol:


Some crying and comforting later, I got him in the carrier and outside. And then he gave me this look from the back of the carrier. "Yeah, no thank you."


A few minutes later, he looked like he was considering coming out.


And then, sooner than I expected, he took his first steps outside! :celebrate Of course, he never really moved from this spot...


"Hm, this looks familiar..."


"Let's give it a try..."


"...GASP THIS IS FOOD." :lol:


He was still terrified of the carrier, but after a trial getting him in, I brought him back inside (mainly for my own relief...). That was when I got his 6-week picture with the Easter chick. He looks so huge next to it!! (Chewing, because he's a little butt and can't pose properly next to it anymore!)


He had, err, made a mess of his vent feathers on the way outside, I think because he was scared, so he had his bath immediately after that last picture. All cleaned up! :) I brought in some sod for him to chew on since the mosquitoes drove me inside awfully soon, so he's occupied, at least. Phew...

Oh yeah, and the hens were not impressed by him. :lol: They all kind of gathered around because they were expecting treats, so they were disappointed by what they saw. :rolleyes:
I had to bring Betty in to a hospital pen this morning. She's not been herself for some time, not really sickly, but just not herself. Today she is substantially lighter than she usually is. She seems enthusiastic about food, but really isn't eating but a few bites, though she did eat most of an egg that I cooked up for her. She really has no other symptoms for me to go off of other than just not acting herself, so I'm going to try worming her, and maybe a round of Corid in case of a cocci overload, since we've been so miserably wet here. She really seems out of sorts now that I have her in. I could kick myself for not acting when I first noticed she wasn't quite right. :(

Everyone else is thriving, in spite of the wetness. I made sure to watch extra close this morning in case I needed to bring someone else in. Margie looks like she's finally giving up her broody spell, and the Dorkings didn't take much to convince to stop, either. Trudi seems to be snapping out of her broody spell, too, and Malcolm appears to be molting. Poor Reuben got his face pushed in the mud somehow, so his 'do is all spikey now. :rolleyes: They're all enjoying some partial sun after this morning's rain, out in their free-range area. Oh, and there's some grass coming up under their grazing frame, which means the seeds didn't all get washed away, at least!

We have a few more days of rain and then supposedly we're supposed to have some days of sunshine. Supposedly. What really stinks is that one of my boots split, so I've been having to do chicken chores in my flip-flips, ankle-deep in mud. :sick Hopefully I'll have new boots soon enough that this next round of rain won't be too miserable.
I have agreed to take in the Swedish Flower Hen. :) Her owner has been busy (which led to the earlier comment on being paranoid about having sent a message and not getting a response :oops: oops...), so I'm just waiting for her to have enough time free for me to pick up the SFH.

I also forgot to mention something about our little Crash in my last post. During his baths yesterday and today, he has been making some very suspiciously feminine noises and sounding a lot like his mother lately. Today, as I was carrying him back to his brooder from his bath, he emitted a couple loud, high-pitched 'WAT!' sounds. Not quite a quack, but definitely something! I'm still hesitant to call him 'her' just yet, but that's a pretty strong indication, or at least it seems to be for someone that has little experience with raising ducks... :fl
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