Pilgrim goslings sex?


15 Years
Mar 11, 2009
Canyon, TX
I have a pair of 7 year old Pilgrim geese that hatched out 2 goslings on June 21. It is their first and only clutch. When they hatched I sexed them as females. They were darkish and had darkish bills. Now I’m not so sure-they are looking awfully white. When do the males eyes turn blue or are they born blue? The babies still have dark eyes. I’m including a pick of the day they were born. The other looks just this one. The other pictures were from a couple of days ago. They still have down.


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I raise Pilgrims. In the more recent pics of the goslings, they're colored like Pilgrim ganders. Their eyes should also be blue. Does the adult gander have blue eyes?

Sometimes the difference in coloration between males and females at hatch is a matter of degree: the females will be darker in coloring, with significantly darker bills. Once the goslings are old enough for feathers to come in, ganders will be predominantly white and geese will be predominantly grayish. This article has some photos you may find helpful.

Is it possible that there is some other breed in their lineage?
They are the only two geese on our property. I got them from Metzer Farms as day old goslings. So unless they were not purebred when I got them, they should be full. The gander does have blue eyes, I just can’t remember when. I was really hoping they are females since that is the only way I can keep them.

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