Pilgrim Geese setting on clutch in AK

I hope they're fertile!
All that excitement for nothing? Can't be.

I'm picking up chicks/turkeys from Triple D this weekend!! I'm going to be in Anchorage so I'm going to take a little side-trip.

Don't worry... hubby knows.

So, are you really interested in quail eggs this summer?
:DYou bet!
And I'm off to Fbks tomorrow, vet gave me a choice of either Anc or Fbks to xray my 80# male weimaraner's jaw as he thinks Slade dislocated or cracked it and since ole Bub's (one of many nicknames) hypothyroid and immunity probs our vet won't treat him except to do an exam and keep soloxine on hand- I'm hoping my youngest daughter can water the geese once a day so the geese still feel safe, for a day or two -tops! Neighbors are keeping an eye on the hens for me, too. There goes the money I thought I was saving for some chicks this payperiod...but I can't just ship him off by himself since that's how I got him, he'd think I didn't want him with his probs, either...Love that big hulk'n mess...he's so BUB...
Oh, and the gander or the white one...
is back to sitting on the nest today- with Grazie next to the nest again. That'd be a hard one, if its unfertilized eggs but I've got all those high hopes still sitting up there and all my fingers and toes and entire body crossed, too, that they will have something for all their dedication and also my leaving for a day or two will not interrupt this delicate time...sure hate having to stress them w/a new person watering them now...a one in a million chance and my dog takes it all...now...why???
Sorry, forgot myself and manners! How exciting, to go there, I'm very much wishing I could be there, too, wouldn't that be so fun??? Better take a camera, you'll have all kinds of plans and will forget by the time you get home, so pics, please, and we'll all have some plans to look forward to:)

I really am interested in Gold Lace Wyandottes, too, but chose the Buff Orps over them recently (went back and forth for weeks, one, then the other...) so look all you can, and pics, pics, pics, Pretty Please! And when I'm older, I'll have Silkies.

With... LOL! I'm very excited for you and envious!
We went to Triple D a couple of weeks ago and picked up a bunch of silkies... white, black, one blue, and one Mille Fleur D'Uccle bantam - I think it's a roo!! Which is what I wanted!
The buff orpingtons are good layers - beautiful birds, too. My Buffy is the prettiest of the bunch right now. Hopefully next Spring I'll be in a position to ship hatching eggs. Definitely contact me if when you're ready!

Good luck with Bubs tomorrow... let us know how he's doing.
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I am thinking about having some friends pickup a couple of goslings for me when they are in the Palmer area for wrestling tournaments and such. I am not sure how comfortable I am with having them shipped after they have already been shipped to Triple D... my luck with the postal service and shipping lives hasn't been the best the last couple of times.

Hopefully, my eggs hatch out Tuesday. I wrapped the two that are in the incubator with warm wet paper towels as they are so close to hatching and I heard one of them pecking away at the inside. I have several kinds of eggs with several different hatch dates going, so I can't just raise the overall humidity in my bator without risking the other eggs, so I use either misting or moist paper towels to give the added moisture a hatching egg may need to soften the membrane, geese eggs have very thick shells and membranes.

Good luck with your vet appointment later today. If you come into Fairbanks often, we will have to meet up sometime.
Leslie, you are going to be one busy momma if you're having your baby this weekend and birds hatching Tuesday! Take time to rest, you'll need catnaps at least;)
(We are finally home and Slade's healing from surgery:)

both geese are sitting as close to each other as they can on the nest and don't seem to be eating much at all while I was gone...
Mrs. AK, how are the chicks and turkeys? Are the turkey's little ones, too?

Bub is acting normal, the roof of his mouth will take a few months to heal but we lucked out all the way around even though we started weather bound and weather wouldn't allow us to come home Thurs, either. The extra time that small bone was lodged in his mouth saved him from bleeding out as it severed the artery but had time to clott.

I'm wondering if I should entice the geese to eat a bit w/fresh salads? they are nearly hypnotized sitting on those eggs...what do you do Greyfields? There is a bunch of snow here since I left & came back, so green grass is totally out!
I am glad to hear your puppy is doing so well and that you were able to get treatment. Somehow talked the baby into waiting over the weekend but have definetely been busy with chicks hatching all weekend and we did get an new addition to the family... we haven't picked out a name yet but she is adorable.

LOL, looks like she has some Australian Cattle dog in her, so she can help herd everyone w/or for you;)

We went to Chena Ridge Clinic as Dr. Battig is a specialist. The bone (may be repeating myself) severed the artery but was applying pressure long enough for everything to clot until he had surgery Wednesday morning. We loved it there, snow melting, warm, trees! It seems the middle of winter here and tons of snow while we were gone.

I'm retiring to Fbks area:) Won't be for a while yet, but that's where it'll be!

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