Pigeon-toed duckling! Will they straighten out?

I"ve been swimming my ducks supervised since they were a few days old, have had no issues, in fact they run to the tub when they hear the water running, I can tell they are done when they stop playing in it and start preening, if they really want out they pull the plug. but I do dry them off and they are warmed under the lamp. I just let them be ducks under a supervised eye, and they are pigeon toed and just a few weeks old. I am glad I have not deprived them of the joy to play in water, it's what they do as my grandmother says.
Hi everybody--
I posted this question a couple of weeks ago but I'm getting more and more worried about Doris. She's a Pekin duckling, now about 5 weeks old and severely pigeon-toed. She steps on her own feet, has a lot of trouble walking and sits down most of the time. Last time I posted, a couple people replied that she'd grow out of it but she hasn't and I fear I have a disabled duck. Or could this really be an awkward phase? If she is disabled, she'll still have a happy life here but if there's something a vet can do, I'd prefer she walk normally.

ALSO--they went swimming for the first time today and NOW I'm worried that it was too soon. They are mostly feathered with a little down. Because Doris sits on her belly so much, she was/is covered with poop. I wanted her to get cleaned up and she seemed to really love the kiddie pool. Was in for an hour, on and off. She seems fine but it's a little chilly and drizzly out.

Any and all advice much appreciated!
Thanks, Bea
I have a duckling with those exact symptoms. Besides being pigeon toed, his/her feet are not becoming yellow. They have parts where they are reddish or pink.

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