Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions


Onyx looking super special!
Adorable! She isn't your only crested chicken is she?
( If she is, she may get bullied by the rest of the flock.)
She would be the first one. I'll keep an eye out for unusual bullying behavior when she joins the big girls.

She's 2 weeks old and currently in a mixed brooder along with:
- 2 Buff Orpingtons (3 weeks)
- 1 dark Brahma (1 week)
- 1 black Jersey giant (3 days)

If they start to pick on her, it'll be a early window into joining the rest of the flock. BA, RIRs, PBRs, (with a light Brahma and a SLW rooster)

Thanks for the heads up!
She would be the first one. I'll keep an eye out for unusual bullying behavior when she joins the big girls.

She's 2 weeks old and currently in a mixed brooder along with:
- 2 Buff Orpingtons (3 weeks)
- 1 dark Brahma (1 week)
- 1 black Jersey giant (3 days)

If they start to pick on her, it'll be a early window into joining the rest of the flock. BA, RIRs, PBRs, (with a light Brahma and a SLW rooster)

Thanks for the heads up!
I wouldn't worry too much about the australorps, but RIR and rocks are notorious for not accepting new birds, especially crested breeds.
Watch her crest closely, it doesn't take long for them to get injured or scalped, and it's heartbreaking, especially for a child.

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