Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

I wish I could just hang out with the birds all day taking photos. Much more relaxing than this heckin desk job.

One of our Scots Dumpy gentlemen surveying the domain.

View attachment 3771040

Not only is your photo gorgeous but the Scots Dumpy is magnificent. I once considered a Scots but we're only zoned for hens/no roo's and it's the roo's that are so impressive. I love the tails on Cuckoo breeds like the Scots, Dominiques, Barred Rocks, and Cuckoo Bredas. Your boy is stunning!
I put "chicken merch" on my Christmas list and purposefully did not specify whether the merch was to be for me or the chickens. I got some of both... thanks to Maria for being such a good sport!

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