Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

Snow and I think Lacey 🤔 can't see her tail
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Axl, my five month old Black Cooper Marans cockerel posing for his Christmas picture. View attachment 3706561
Oof, I didn't realize I was so far behind in this thread ...
But I just wanted to say two things, first that this is a gorgeous rooster and beautifully presented here! :love
And second, thank you for giving him his correct breed name, Marans with an S. I've noticed this year that even some of the hatcheries, gasp, are saying "Maran" for the singular and Marans for the plural. People, NO, Marans is the breed name, and it's "Marans" whether singular or plural. Just like sheep is the same whether you're talking about one or a hundred. It is pronounced Mah-rahn for the singular or for the breed name, and I assume Mah-rahnz for the plural? Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong or validate me if I'm correct?

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