Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

OMG, @BY Bob the third flight picture of Phyliss - she looks just like a raptor!!!! I think if I was a prey animal, that would have given me nightmares!!!! šŸ˜±

Since I'm not, however, I can get lost in her grace and power! šŸ„°
It always surprises me how well she can fly. Her body is very leghorn like.
I imagine flying is all in day's work for Phyllis.

Doopdeedoo not much to eats up here hmmm hmmm doodoodedoo me fly down hummmmhummmdooodeepdo me lands now doopdeedoohmmmhmmm i can't get that catchy song outs me noggin doodoodeedoopdoop mmm bugsy! Yummy.
Wonderful. :clap :clap :clap :gig:lau:gig:lau
Mr P my Polish Roo (the p stands for Pompei)

Lucky shot captured


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