Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

What breeds did you use for this awesome guy? I love the many colors and subtleness (new word but makes sense) of it all.
I've been working on developing my own breed for a few years now, but the first chicks were a mix of Australorp and Jersey Giant. Since then I've also mixed in Buff Orpington.
Turns out adding RIR creates a very bright orange chicken, as my other roo Howard demonstrates here:
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Dang! That's a good Ayam Cemani!! I see no leakage anywhere! Are you in a position to breed him? Where did you get him from?

Mr. Speck was hatched from Foxfire Poultry potluck eggs. He and his buddy will be fathering a bunch of Cemanis in spring. Have 2 hens and 2 pullets currently.

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