Pics of silver, smokey grey, blonde, orange, and fawn mex. speckled Bw


13 Years
May 1, 2009
Ks (Manhattan area)
This breeder has silver, smokey grey, blonde, orange, and fawn mex. speckled bobwhite. I havn't even heard of these varieties until last week and this breeder is only 3 hours from me! You can check out the pictures here if you'd like I love the smokey greys and blondes and he has snowflakes too!
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I love the colors!
I am selling my birds,if you guys are interested

I have
1 trio of orange bobs.... asking $30
1 pair of silvers............. asking $20
2 pairs of Mexican speckle asking $40 20 each pair
3 snow bobs males $5 dls each

This are my birds
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Bfrancis-this is who I was telling you about the other day maybe you could get a head start on bobs with some domestic variations. But I e-mailed brad (legg) and he said he won't have any of these available until next fall. My mother in law only live 17 miles from his farm I want to go check if out sometime but havn't been able to. I've seen his pics of his pea. pens
If you go to pick up your peahens at his farm make sure and check out his siberian chipmunks
(really cool) a freind of mine got a few of those from him. He dose alot of outstanding work but the peafowl, I think, are where he dose best. Jm- why are you selling your snowflakes for less per bird than the Norm. Mex. Speckled? Quaillady- there are enough colors now you could start toying with bob genetics
There are more, more common, colors than what is on that page KandiandJerry

White, Tennessee Reds, and Normal Mexican Specled are the ones that come to mind.
I was thinking way later down the road.
I already have plans for a special pair of quail in a few months, and any Bobs I get, i'd rather hatch our own.

I hope your able to find homes for your birds soon.
They are beautiful!
Are you trying to make me CRAZY quaillady?
I do admit I am thinking about it
Shouldn't be too hard.

I am not even a half way done with J. Coturnix!

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