Pics- Feather feet Cream Legbar??


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 16, 2018
FoCo, Georgia
My Coop
My Coop
I got 3 Cream Legbar from a feed store today. Got home and had to take the necessary, "Look what I got" pictures... and holy moly! One has lightly feathered feet!!!! Obviously that's not a thing right? So does anyone know what's going on?


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Unfortunately I have no clue of the lineage since it was from a feed store. So my best guess would be some sort of feather leg breed over a Cream Legbar. Just hopeful for the blue eggs still. She is rather chunky compared to the other two Cream Legbar.
I have had legbars since 2011 and grown out a few hundred of them in that time. I have seen feather stubs on possible 3-4 in that time It is not very common but is possible in all clean legged breeds. It is so uncommon that it might call into question the purity of the line. They could have been crossed with a feather footed breed. I wouldn't worry about it too much though.
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I have had legbars since 2011 and grown out a few hundred of them in that time. I have seen feather stubs on possible 3-4 in that time It is not very common but is possible in all clean legged breeds. It is so uncommon that it might call into question the purity of the line. They could have been crossed with a feather footed breed. I wouldn't worry about it too much through.
This one is also much larger and fluffier for being the same age. I bought 3 in total and two look the same and the one with feathers on the feet looks quite a bit different. I'm not sure if the broken color on its back could indicate a mix as well?
Oohh...The broken color is something that I have seen on birds with the columbian restrictor. That odd placed white patch on the head, the light color in the middle of the dorsal strip on the back and that collar all look like a cross to me. If it were just the feather stubs they would be suspicious, but with everything else going on I would say this is not a legbar. Do you know what other breed the feed store has on hand?
Oohh...The broken color is something that I have seen on birds with the columbian restrictor. That odd placed white patch on the head, the light color in the middle of the dorsal strip on the back and that collar all look like a cross to me. If it were just the feather stubs they would be suspicious, but with everything else going on I would say this is not a legbar. Do you know what other breed the feed store has on hand?
I went on a Sunday and what they got in the Friday before were: black olive eggers, cream legbar, silver laced wyandotte, and partridge cochin. The cream leg bar were in a bin with some bantam breeds but I'm assuming with this one's size it rules out that possibility? They did have a Wednesday order come in of: Ameraucana, Rhode Island red, s.c. Brown leghorn, white rock, and black sex-link. But it doesn't seem more than a week old, so any orders from the previous week could be ruled out?

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