Picking up Chickens


In the Brooder
Dec 6, 2023
Wasn’t sure if this is the right thread to post on but I am picking up my chickens today, I am going to have 6, they are all the same age 16-17 weeks, but I am getting them from different people. 4 golden comets from one person and 2 easter eggers from another. Is it okay to put them all in a xl dog crate like this when picking them up and bringing them home? Or should they be in separate crates since they came from 2 different places. Also it’s about an hour drive all together until I get back home, are they okay without food and water until then?


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Welcome (belatedly) to BYC!

I'm a bit of a newbie myself, will let others give you advice.

However my first thought is that each group may peck the others since they're strangers. They might be better off in separate cages. I used laundry baskets with a netting top to transport my cockerels to the auction.

Also, since they are coming from different places have you considered quarantining the two groups?

Now I'll just sit back and let experts expound.

I personally would separate. They'll be totally fine without food and water, but have their space prepared and ready for when you're home.

Also, I am the furthest thing from an expert, but I feel pretty good about this advice! 😅

I used laundry baskets with a netting top to transport my cockerels to the auction.
Ok great! They are all pullets too, not sure if that makes any kind of difference as far as behavior. So would the 2 easter eggers be better off in something like this? And the other 4 in the crate? I don’t have another large dog crate like the one above. Also will they get along when I put all of them in their coop/run?


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Wasn’t sure if this is the right thread to post on but I am picking up my chickens today, I am going to have 6, they are all the same age 16-17 weeks, but I am getting them from different people. 4 golden comets from one person and 2 easter eggers from another. Is it okay to put them all in a xl dog crate like this when picking them up and bringing them home? Or should they be in separate crates since they came from 2 different places. Also it’s about an hour drive all together until I get back home, are they okay without food and water until then?
My pullets made it 6 hours without food and water in the car and were fine. The crate is ok for chicken transport but because they come from different places, separation would be ideal for a little while.
Ok great! They are all pullets too, not sure if that makes any kind of difference as far as behavior. So would the 2 easter eggers be better off in something like this? And the other 4 in the crate? I don’t have another large dog crate like the one above. Also will they get along when I put all of them in their coop/run?
Yes, that should work just fine. They will not get along until the pecking order is established but this is normal. I'd just keep an eye on them incase things do get a little rough
I would recommend transporting them in separate containers, too. 1 hour is a lot of time for birds that don't know each other. I think two would be fine in the pet carrier, the rest in the cage, if you have the room to fit both into your vehicle.

Once you get home, if you don't have any other chickens, I think it should be fine to put both groups together, assuming you have enough room in your setup for them to avoid each other and not be in each other's personal space. So a spacious coop and run that meet at least the minimum requirements for space - 4 square feet of floor space per bird in the coop, and at least 10 in the run. Ideally you'd have more, since you're integrating, and the first few weeks might be dramatic as the two groups get used to each other. You are better positioned for success integrating, with 2 new groups, compared to introducing 1 new group into an existing flock, because both groups will be new to the territory. Nobody can claim it as theirs and defend it from the others. So they will have the shared challenge of being new, and will be on an even playing field. The 4 will have a numbers advantage over the 2, but temperaments will play a role, too, so what pecking order they establish is anyone's guess.

I don't think quarantining the two groups away from each other would be practical in this case. They'll be riding in the same vehicle for 1 hour, so that already breaks quarantine protocol. Once there, you'd need two complete setups (coop/run) that are very far away from each other, with separate tools and supplies, and either separate caretakers or for you to change clothes/shoes between visits to both. Which is not practical unless you live on a farm with lots of space. I'd recommend inspecting each bird carefully before you release it into the coop/run, just so you can catch anything obvious like mites, scaly leg, etc. that would need treatment to prevent spreading it to the others (if they haven't yet).
I personally would separate. They'll be totally fine without food and water, but have their space prepared and ready for when you're home.

Also, I am the furthest thing from an expert, but I feel pretty good about this advice! 😅

They are Dollar Tree baskets, like $2 each. The netting I had on hand.

I can't claim credit for the idea, the auction house suggested it, since the birds go to their new owner in the basket. Saves the excitement of loose chickens!
I transport 2 full-grown large fowl in medium dog carriers. They're fine for an hour, but the chickens will slide all around inside it. If you can put in nesting pads or anything similarly stiff, they'll have a better time.

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